Quick Money Guide Part 1

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Bluephantom956, Jun 17, 2012.

  1. Who needs help with money? I have the answer! First thing to do is join a clan. That way you don't get farmed, your kingdom will need workshops, ask me for a volley. Build to 9 lands and build forges. Make sure to have guilds. Stay tuned for the next part
  2. Join a clan and nobody farms you? Thanks bro!
  3.  *takes dump in thread*
  4. Wow op...just wow..

    You have blown my mind...before this I was just staring at my iPod thinking "this is by far the most complicated game I have ever played"...but thanks to you my life now has meaning...thank you op
  5. How can a new player do CotD
  6. What if I farm the op where do the noobs run to?
  7. Wow I never new this
  8. 
    You make me depressed, OP. Thank you.
  9. :lol: thanks for that lovely thread :roll:
  10. Forges don't work as well as other buildings anymore. I remember when building forges was the best thing to do, but it ain't now.
  11. Yeah I built guilds till 9 then aviaries
  12. Join a clan and nobody farms you cool (sarcasm) ppl still farm
  13. Ok I've joined a clan. Now volley me op
  14. *facepalm*
  15. can you volley me please ??

  16. Join a clan and nobody farms your. Who's nobody?