Enchanting, Equipment and Epicness

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Jun 7, 2012.

  1. I am too weak or too unmotivated to get gloves in sporaveks revenge. I did just get the ToC shoulders though :mrgreen:
  2. When the Mage fails to enchant is it random if it drops item stats to base score? Because I lleveled an item to lvl2 then 3rd time the Mage failed and my item stayed at lvl2
  3. I agree with -belle-. The chance to get equipment is too random. There should be some pattern to it. Like placing first in an EB, or number if hits.
  4. *sigh*

    another update promoting PVE and demoting PVP.
  5. Why I can't see either aqua and inferno..I'm already updated..anyone have same problem? I'm using iPhone 3GS..
  6. You need to win them from EB's ( FoD/NG/SS/SR ).
  7. Yes I know, my clan member got it already, but when I check eb history, it's nothing there..either aqua and inferno..we are doing b2b FoD atm..
  8. If not mistaken it doesn't show in history but player does receive it.
  9. It's ok, I can see it using android..maybe my iPhone have a problem..thanks for respone 
    (13 items) (not including aqua, inferno)

    Reckoning - Hooves of Destruction
    Origins - Helmet
    NML - Leonine Arm Plate
    Destroyer - Armor of Eternal Fire
    Locust Swarm, Mind Scream
    NQ - Nether Realm Breastplate, Helmet
    CotD - Ice Guardian's Shield
    Locust Swarm, Mind Scream
    FoD - Abyssal Blade
    Blizzard, Amnesia
    Talons of Carnage - Silica Ring of Silence, Quicksilver Plates
    New Growth - Searing Sickle
    Locust Swarm, Mind Scream
    Scionic Storm - Torrent Talisman
    Blizzard, Amnesia
    Sporavek's Revenge - Iron Gauntlet, Pinioned Boots
    Blizzard, Amnesia

    Abyssal Blade (FoD)
    Armor of Eternal Fire (Destroyer)
    Helmet (NQ, Origins)
    Hooves of Destruction (Reckoning)
    Ice Guardian's Shield (CotD)
    Iron Gauntlet (Sporavek's Revenge)
    Leonine Arm Plate (NML)
    Nether Realm Breastplate (NQ)
    Pinioned Boots (Sporavek's Revenge)
    Quicksilver Plates (Talons of Carnage)
    Searing Sickle (New Growth)
    Silica Ring of Silence (Talons of Carnage)
    Torrent Talisman (Scionic Storm)
  11. How many times can you enchant each item?
  12. Gloves - 4
    Necklace - 4
    Ring - 7
  13. Now inferno is available for sale at Mage at 7.5b each .. So which is more valuable? Looks like aqua r more valuable compared to inferno...
  14. Which EBs do we need to do to get needed items to enchant equipment?
  15. You can get Aqua/Inferno from the EB's FoD/NG/SS/SR.
  16. What's aqua/inferno?
  17. It's used to enchant the equipment ( Necklace/Ring/Gloves) that can be enchanted.