Damn. I've got about four days to convince the school board to take me out of the scheduled AP (advanced proficiency, college credits and all) Biology class and put me into AP Chem. To hell with the board of sciences shooting me down before I even applied to the class, I have NO interest in the medical field!
Why you people so smart? I feel so dumb... But cheese don't get to choose your courses unless that course is full or something?
You CAN pick your courses, but the thing is, I asked the teacher, the supervisor of sciences, all those people, their answers were "Oh hell no you can't do that it's impossible for a sophomore." Only to find out 4 of my friends are going in, with everyone else going to AP Bio, under that assumption. Also, Stora. Intelligence is just one of many talents. I may be smart, but I can say with certainty that you're better than me at many other things. Don't get down over it :3
Blargh. All this American high school speak makes no sense. No me gusta. I think I might actually start some revision now. Which kinda sucks.
Hey does anyone know how to take a picture of something on Kaw through an idevice. I had a very... Interesting conversation with kaw.
Use photobucket. Upload the picture, and while viewing it in the gallery, press the "i" button and tap the [GIF] link. Paste it on a forum post.
Yea I think you just press the home and power button at the same time and it saves to photos. Workes on third gen so hope it works in yours