R the item drops completely random? Possibly though, I think activity has something to do with it. My theory is that every successful action u do u improve your chances. For example it's like a hat drawing for every dollar or so u spend u get ur name in and then someones draws the name or names (the devs) then that person or people get their prize or prizes (the item) NOTE: I think the devs decide how many items u get. This is my first form so plzz if I didn't word something right or I messed up on something don't go crazy. Thx for reading if i find anything else out I'll try to edit this. Please leave ur comments below
For your first thread I suppose it's ok. But for future reference, make sure you research your topic before posting, as there are already several threads about this same thing.
Yes. Yes they are. Others liken it to a "lottery system". The more tickets you buy, (successful actions) the better your chances of winning.
I dont know how you can test it per se but I feel they legitimately are randomized. For one if you look at drops after an eb is completed the items are not always (or even a majority of the time) given I the players with most actions. This is just my speculation but I often see players in an eb with fewer than 100 actions getting drops while there are several players without that item with close to 1000 actions that did not get the drop
Yes dj tho it's the luck of the draw although sometimes peeps with hardly any actions get it they still did have their name in the drawing
The point I make fire is that there are a lot of times with low action players get drops. Of your theory was correct then yes it would happen SOMETIMES but very rarely based on odds. However I see it in almost every eb
The Mods have generally stated the same thing. Each hit equals a % chance, However, each person's % is weighted differently
Tho dj wat if some of those high action people already had the item. That would give the lower action peeps a better chance
Btw peeps who wanted to know how I would test it here's my answer I'm going to do an easy eb like reckoning and I'm only gonna have 4 peeps who don't have the item 2 peeps hit a lot and the other 2 peeps won't hit a lot then I'll see wat the item results r
Okay fire but you have to do that a lot of times and figure out what happens more frequently. Just one result wot mean anything either way. You need sufficient data. I at one point considered minoring In statistics but decided not to after I was bored out of my mind in stats classes lol
The best to say this: The more items you obtained, the percentage rate of you getting your next item is lowered. "The more successful hits may increase your chances" No, a player in a epic battle can land 25 successful hits and can receive the item over a player who has 1,000 successful hits.
Your all wrong the devs have created an algorithm that drops item. No one knows what it is and if some genius figured it out the devs would just change the equation. Also it is impossible for computers to make random numbers for that you would need a quantum computer which ata doesn't have
The devs have said that each time you complete a successful action in an item eb, it is entered into a random drawing (complex algorithm) to determine if u receive an item. The number of items dropped by eb is random.
It is not completely random, completely random is impossible by a computer, I'm sure it is some very advanced algorithm that picks who gets items.