The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Congratulations, Pixar. For the second time I cried at your movie.
  2. Kung Fu Panda 2. That stuff was deep.
  3. Ahhhh.

    I need to watch that...
  4. If you have HBO on demand, it's on that.
  5. My mom won't let me watch any TV.

    Long story...
  6. I won't ask.

    Ok, I will.
    Por qué razon?

    I'm not answering anyways...
  8. Writer's Café is seven pages behind... Seventy posts...

  9. *Plays deathly JB, Rebecca Black, and OneDirection so that the café is forced to come out and talk or risk shattered eardrums*

  10. @Cheese I cried for the first movie, a lot, my friends thought someone was bullying me during the movie. Lol

    @Candi what's wrong with one direction? I kinda like their music
  11. Lolol. I'm here...
  12. Yay! It worked ;D

    Stora: It's just a preference, lol. They're all apocalyptic singers... :3
  13. If i was yo' boyfriend i'd never let ya' go.. 
  14.  Don't start. Please.
  15. Stora, the second movie... Damn, it's... Deep as hell.
  16. I could be ya' buzz light year fly across the globe...
  17. *Covers ears and hides under a table, accidentally knocking over a few others in the process*

    o.o; I'll fix that later... First... HIDE!
  18. *joins Candi*

    Wait, what's going on?
  19. Babyguy is singing Beiber.