Only if it is proper homemade lemonade. But I'm addicted to sugar :3 Only lemonade I drink is fizzy, unless it is made by an Italian I know to make nice lemonade. I know it sounds racist but I've found I prefer an Italian proper lemonade than any other type.
But that's just lemon tea Stora. I don't need to get some nasty lemon water when I can go to the shop and buy lemon tea.
Lol you're not the only one paradox. I'm addicted to lemonade. Once in 2 weeks I drank 3 or 4 containers of lemonade all by myself...(not the small bottles or cans but the larger ones I think 1L or 2L or something in between.)
Never said I was. They say curiosity killed the cat, I'm keeping the lemon water away with a fifteen foot pole; I'm not a dumb cat.
I'm not openminded. At all. Except when it comes to cheese. Not cheese(muffin), but cheese. I hate most cheese, but... Eh.