The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Ahhhh. Now I can relax...
  2. Only if it is proper homemade lemonade.
    But I'm addicted to sugar :3
    Only lemonade I drink is fizzy, unless it is made by an Italian I know to make nice lemonade.
    I know it sounds racist but I've found I prefer an Italian proper lemonade than any other type.
  3. But that's just lemon tea Stora.
    I don't need to get some nasty lemon water when I can go to the shop and buy lemon tea.
  4. Lol you're not the only one paradox. I'm addicted to lemonade. Once in 2 weeks I drank 3 or 4 containers of lemonade all by myself...(not the small bottles or cans but the larger ones I think 1L or 2L or something in between.)
  5. Have you ever tried lemon water paradox?
  6. Never heard of it.
    Never been near it; and by the sounds of it, it's going to stay that way.
  7. Not very open minded now are you? Lol
  8. Never said I was.
    They say curiosity killed the cat, I'm keeping the lemon water away with a fifteen foot pole; I'm not a dumb cat.
  9. Lol
    I'm sometimes too curious for my own good.
  10. I'm not openminded. At all.

    Except when it comes to cheese. Not cheese(muffin), but cheese. I hate most cheese, but... Eh.
  11. EH?!?!
    I love cheese! It's one of my favorite foods.
  12. I like some types of cheese...
  13. Tried chocolate cheese
  14. Depoon is making fail threads and saying crap on all feddbacks. Trolls these days.
  15. Que? Ella estupido
  16. Fud reisic don cup