-WIT- is diying Look HERE

Discussion in 'Wars' started by llllllllllIIIIIIIIIlllIIIIII, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. please to elaborate more stulid king ? racism have no place in kaw game.
  2. Stupid, don't be racist
  3. @ "I'm not Wilson", I can't believe the girls at iG haven't worked out who you are, it's so bloody obvious! It's Leslie Chow from Hangover right?

    All we need is a "Later Gay Boys" to prove it. Then iG can stop kicking and alienating it's friends and loyal members
  4. Didn't mean to sound racist. Simply stating the last time I heard that quote. Truly sorry if I came off that way.
  5. I pray to god you're meaning to sound stupid
  6. Oh ****.. He's "here to tell us" 
  7. King of stupids what was your name before the Assassins Guild made you change it?
    And your not meaning to sound racist..... Really?
    Remember some of us have extremely long memories
  8. Assassin you never let me lick that window I wanted to...
  9. @SP

    Really? That old thing? I've fought with -WiT- it was enjoyable. They can't post on threads during war. That's why your propaganda is so sad.

    Apparently if my opinion goes against yours it means I'm kissing someone's ass. You're so sad.
  10. And since when is calling on allies cowardly? LOLOL...
  11. @1TrueSaxon: you know me...so? What do you think? Am I into a long haul? Do I look dead?
  12. Vlad my friend Yes you are in for the long haul, I know that. You also know that I believe that is misplaced loyalty, as those above you are playing dead or simply inept. But we have discussed this already. I have no doubt that you will end up potless and stripped; sadly I do. But I also know you'll continue to fight. Props to you, you are a warrior; and belong with us 
  13. I will NEVER turn against my clan! No matter what! Loyality should be forever Saxon. If i think that my goals wont coincide with clan goals i'll step away. But i will never try to destroy something that once i used to love.
  14. Vlad you know my reasons, voicing them here would get me banned; but I will continue to fight against what I believe is a cancer destroying this game for legitimate players. You also know that I will never back off, that I fight even harder than I trash talk  Those around me share those same traits and principles; and we shall endure.
  15. Btw Vlad, just look at the apology thread by iGust, that's what your clanmate is up to instead of having you're back.
  16. Well Sax...i dont trashtalk. I just fight! Well...indeed my english is quite limited so anyway i cant be good at trashtalking:))
  17. What Kingofstupids said wasn't racist. He didn't mention a race. He said something along the lines of "terrorist organization". If you're too politically correct to see that, it's your problem.

    Just my comment on the subject :p
  18. Racism is wide. It covers religion as well as race.
  19. Not that terrorism is necessarily a religion...