W.A.R. / M.R.G / A.o.A / _ME vs LSA

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Lean, Jun 5, 2012.

  1. Oh, and to clarify, I was laughing out loud not because what you said was funny OcDread, but rather how loaded with fail it was.
  2. Praise baby Jesus!!!

    I like baby Jesus better :/
  3. I respected AoA now not so much.... LSA has in total less than 20 people AoA your 10x as strong, support for LSA.
    White Hand
  4. Thank you Chxo. Your support is appreciated :)

    And everybody else who is also supporting us.
  5. All my support to LSA, I like fighting naked too!
  6. Gotta love the underdog

    GO LSA 


    To bad you can't drop allies to gain 60% of money spent :(
  9. Ya I've know quagy and LSA for Awhile
  10. Go LSA You all Rock u have my support!!!!
  11. Ball clearly knows nothing of LSA. I had the unfortunate experience of being targetted by these guys and they know here stuff. Their tactics are weird, the methods questionable, but you can't argue wih their results. The teamwork they have is unreal. I hear the leadership is very strict,
  12. I support LSA!
  13. Who the hell are these LSA people? And why are they farming me!!!
  14. LSA is in the right kick some azz LSA
  15. LSA r a great bunch they have my support.
  16. Yeah go LSA kick M.R.G arse...I hate those guys....
  17. Just because we're not hitting YOU, doesn't mean we're not hitting.

    Here are OUR ceasefire conditions..

    - You kick Quagy from your clan / family and never let her back in.

    Until then, we will leave her alone, and crush everyone else, one by one, and they can all know, that every hit they take, every pot they lose, every gold they lose, every ally that gets stripped, and everytime they are pinned, every hour of sleep they lose etc... Will be because of Quagy and her actions. Dispite the minor trash talk in this thread, we have no anger / resentment against WAR alliance.

    - That being said, we're ready to bang until the end of time until you guys have finally realised that Quagy and all of her lies and drama, isn't worth putting your clanmates through this.

  18. You heard Big 'O LSA. Until conditions are met lets light'em up!
  19. Support for LSA. Having my main formerly own BloodforLsa I know he is not lieing. Support from "Avenger"

    You want my main?? It's there for you of you wanted it.

    Hmm look it's in a LB clan too.
  20. Go LSA! 