AoTS- the greatest family of clans - sun empire

Discussion in 'Wars' started by bendangee, Jun 4, 2012.

  1. There's eoe, but they won't last much longer 

  2. War is back on KaW I guess, ZAFT vs ___Judgment___, Not Wilson army vs iG/WAR, CR/KoTFE/TS/WoG vs SUN, BH/Urban Legends/Kreuzritter/Kings-Lounge vs Resilience (and allies), Murphs vs V_Killers, AAH/Osiris/Armageddon vs YAFI, and many more? Yay for KaW
  3. @hte_ninja . Aww, you've been in osw since your clan joined sun  awwwww. That's cute. I think you need about 20 osw in order to figure out what to talk **** about in forums. Go learn from some voodoo members, at least they know what their doing. Osw has nothing to do with ..... I'm not gonna teach u ****, go learn from your own allies xD.
  4.  i wonder how they will respond to this!! 
  5. stop kawwing at school and maybe u can learn to speak english! LOL
  6. Have you ever considered that English isn't everyone's first language? :roll:
  7. Anonymous Edit: It's Murphs/ISS vs V_Warriors
  8. war love this OSW 
  9. X's Fury 
  10. "the first casualty of war is the truth"
  11. Support WOG 
  12. I don't get it.
  13. AoTS, greatest group of clans, once again shines brightly when it comes to war. The following is from a member of the SUN, we hope you enjoy the laughs as much as us in cr/kotfe/ts/wog have!


  14. Better hide before the kaw police come after you.
  15.  it's illegal  made my day
  16. lol thats what happens when ur brought up in the SUN group, ur treated like a mushroom kept in the dark and fed on crap, yes SUN we can SEE UR NOOBS (SUN) :lol:
  17. Another funny moment 