IMPORTANT: Ally Reset Percentage Reset Return Rate Changing

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, May 28, 2012.

  1. WHY ?!!!
    Why not always refund 100% on reset for that matter ?
    I mean: To make 100 Billion is a lot of work: you need to be super active for about a week.
    When you are HLBC the only way to grow is with allies but it is getting to risky to hire allies like this.
    It is already risky because inactive players will auto reset after 6 months and you get only 60% then.

    So I do not see anything to do anymore after HLBC other than chatting in cc and forum.

    P.s: Why auto reset inactives by-the-way: do you know how much time it costs to find inactives with good stats ?
  2. Removing allies isn't the only problem. How do we know if an ally is going to reset if it's not in their banner? And why should we be punished if an ally resets on us? Is it our fault? We didn't ask the ally to reset on us did we? So why on earth would you think it's fair? Like I said in wc. I buy a 100b ally. It resets the day I buy it. I get 4.5%(4.5b). But you said "no WarGorilla :/" I asked you to explain what would happen then. You didn't. Would you mind telling me how 4.5b isn't 4.5% of 100b? I'd LOVE to know!
  3. It's obvious you devs are blinded by your love for our money that you'll do anything for it. you might try coming out with an update the Actually Helps the Hundreds of Thousands of people that play this game
  4. 100,000,000,000 * 0.045% = 4,500,000,000
  5. Horrible ideA
  6. I appreciate the fact that you have added in the software to prevent the dumping of freshly hired ally's.

    Thanks you for that 

    But as said this will not stop the volleying by those volleying into the trillions.

    The fact that you have to wait 15 days to drop the ally is trivial when moving such large amounts. All this does is slow the process slightly.

    The people taking the real losses are still those traders who have ally's reset on them. Not those volleying gold around.
  7. Hell you want to stop people from doing volley drops. Reset the huge ally's that they will have to hold for those 15 days and give them a 95% loss.

    That will put an end to it right quick.
  8. I just tested it. Bought a 100,000 ally. Dropped it. Got 2,650 back. Um hello? That's less than 4.5% and it's still a load of ****!
  9. Yes rate is roughly 2.65% not 4.5 as advertised. What's going on ?

    Hired a 10000 dude dropped to test got 265 gold back. That's not even close to the 450 gold I should have got back.

  11. I hope that's a typo...else you leave open voluntarily reseting players so people lose less than the 60%
  12. This is ****.. You Devs Are ****
  13. We should turn this into a democracy and let us people, who give you your money, actually have a say in what you guys do to this game. Also, I say we have a vote on new devs. If you guys need help running the game, I'll be glad to help. Also, you know that a ton of people have said this isn't a good update, and to please not do it. You send your stupid post, thank you for your feedback. Why the hell would you have a feedback feature if you don't give a ****. If most of the KaW population said no, you'd think you would consider what's best for us as the players that give you the money you make off this game. So how about you come up with a better idea to stop the LB players from transferring trillions than making us non lb players lose everything we have. Just because the lb gives you most of your money does not mean that us non lb players do not exist. We do. So think what's best for US. you've made this game so that the little people can not grow to be big without spending Thousands of dollars real cash. And this is gonna make it harder. Transferring a couple billion to a little to get him/her started, should be allowed. Use your imagination to stop the trillion $ transfers. I'm sure you can do it... Well, I am actually not sure. But I have hope that someday soon you'll come up with a good update. Who knows how long it's been. A year? Yeah. So PLEASE consider this. I doubt you will but it's worth a try. There is HUGE flaws with this update and you know it. Fix It
  14. Wargorilla, not everyone is negative on the changes. There are forum posts supporting it. Because I am tired of only reading negative on this post, I would like to throw out support for the change in this thread. I like it.

    Actually, I like the package of changes. See wulf's post for some good reasons. But, briefly, I have only ever lost a few allies to the auto drop. I don't see it as a big risk. Also, the incentive for ppl to reset is now gone. Plus, with this comes a big new wrinkle to strip farm defense.

    Devs, thanks for this change. I like it.

    Next, please increase the incentives for war. And, please consider ways to further facilitate the social element of the game. Equip hunting puts strains on clan unity.
  15. Not everyone only resets for bonus. Some people quit kaw. And I don't blame them. And some people get bored of bc and want to start again. and not everyone has, "Resetting" on their banner. So even if the reset bonuses are gone. People are still going to reset for some reasons. And just because a couple people like it doesn't mean it's a good idea. Obviously, most people do not like it. A couple people on this thread support it. But try to count the ones that don't.
  16. I've worked my butt of to get 1trill in allies. I'm finally there. But with this, one ally resetting can make me lose half of it. Would you like losing 200-500b? Nah. It's hard enough to make it the first time. But having a bigger chance of having to make it again. That's bull
  17. Fair points, war. I still like the changes, but respect your point of view.
  18. By the way, it doesn't seem very likely to me that a very large ally will randomly reset on you. I don't see you losing half your ally value. If its spread among a bunch of allies, I especially don't see that scenario happening - diversification of risk.
  19. If they quit they might reset. And there are a ton of osws going on. Who knows what will happen. Pp reset to get away from osws. There is still reasons to reset. And most people will not realize how big of an affect it will have on ally trader until a 100b or bigger ally resets and they get 2.65% back. that's what it is right now. I tested it twice. It's 2.65%. Not 4.5%. It will happen to everyone eventually. And every update that the devs come out with makes it harder for smaller people to grow. And now this has made it to where you can't get a little account started
  20. Before T4's came out. I showed my friend this game, and he loved it. After T4's came out. I showed my other friend this game. He hated it because it was impossible to get big. So after everyone that currently plays quits. The devs will have no one to make money off because no one else hardly joins and stays active for more than a week