IMPORTANT: No More Reset Bonuses

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, May 31, 2012.

  1. We played hard to reset 4 times and when we finished all u r saying any noob can get this items from eb, 
  2. Nothing is being taken away from resetters except the ability to get a freakishly unreasonable amount of ally slots which has the potential to unbalance the game.

    4 reset resetters keep items
    4 reset resetters keep ally slots

    over 4 reset resetters are compensated 50 nobility per reset over 4 for the reduction of their ally slots.
  3. Interesting ...:/
  4. I can see why people are frustrated with this update as am I, but at the end of the day you can't blame the devs for others cheating the resets, transferring gold to get the reset bonuses requires minimal effort and takes a fraction of the time to do, which is ultimately why the devs chose to do this. Understandably, some will be annoyed but you should be blaming the actions of those who cheat the resets as its them who have spoilt it for those who do it legit 
  5. WTF devs

    So for us who actually reset 2 years ago and spent nearly 1 year reseting, u just gonna disgrace our pride by handing out these perm items and giving us **** all in return? If u gonna stop resets then let the items and slots stay! Or maybe consider giving us who reset before pve came into kaw some extra items that are otherwise unachievable. How can you treat the veterans of kaw like a ******* door matt and say "here have bonuses we been promising u for over a year" and expect us to be happy, seriously I've bought every pro pack and reset the proper way (via BL) only to find out u taking away the things I EARNT!? I say **** ur update leave the items and Allie slots alone and find another way to **** the kaw world
  6. Potentially unbalancing the game by having extra ally slots that have been available for... How long? And suddenly it's a flaw? Christ. The option to buy more still gonna be open? Because that would explain a helluva lot. If people wanted more ally slots they'd reset to get them. They didn't. Their choice. But you punish those with the foresight to see the endgame meaning more ally slots would be a huge bonus. Not our fault we saw it, and others couldn't be ****** to do it and help themselves. I'm interested as to if they're going to be available still to buy though.
  7. Yes - as a perk you don't have to grind EB for those items.

    And the vast majority did not play hard for the 4 resets now.
    Resets have become so commonplace that people don't hire for fear of resetting.
    This fixes the ally trading concern
    This fixes the biggest complaint with the gold volley transfer fix.
    This fixes the massive imbalance created by having the potential for a ridiculous number of ally slots.
  8. Re: WTF devs

    No one is handing out the items.
    They will need to be achieved through EB which makes them a VERY rare drop. (which will be way harder than current resetting)

    This is substantially less "disgracing of your pride" than allowing someone to resets 30 times in 30 days.
  9. Yes - Suddenly its a flaw.

    We are not talking about people who reset 4, 5, or even 8 times

    We are talking people who have thousands and thousands of allies because their resets are DEEP into the double digits.

    Resets as they were hurt ally trading.
    Resets as they were created unfair imbalance.
    Resets as they were lost their difficulty.
    Resets as they were were becoming so common they damaged the ally market
    Resets as they were were becoming so common they created justifiable paranoia over the new drop value changes.
  10. U ppl defending this horrible update made me post again......1st mentalist volley transfers r not cheating it's just a strategy(1 the devs r currently trying 2 remove) and wulf I know ur a mod and all so kinda gotta kiss dev ass but really ur posts literally made me lol at how big of a kiss ass ur being here
  11. Devs have officially destroyed this game.
  12. Wulf... The leaderboards are your big concern? That someone paying enough money, or with enough friends helping them, can make it onto the leader boards faster then you like? So ummm... How exactly should someone go about getting on a leaderboard then? Ally dropping is seriously annoying and the risk of resetting is a problem yes. The devs made a cure for a problem that was screwing people... which caused a problem that will screw people... so they're fixing that by creating a cure for the new problem which will screw even more people... And yes I caught that you're saying resetters don't lose anything. But you're replacing something that was hard won and hard earned with something that will be "earned" just by playing.
  13. And double digit reseters wulf??? Peeka has the most completions at 102. Not 1 top 10 player is in top 50 for completions so where Is this imbalance u speak of?
  14. 

    I see ur point wulf but u veered around mine, what about those who reset without transfers and eb's that just becomes a "sux to be you" scenario, what about some special achievement for say those who been playing since b4 eb's , b4 t4 b4 HL or even b4 wars, and y give out the same item we earnt, make a new item so we still have that advantage, to those who reset 10 times a week via eb's **** you for ruining the reset system
  15. To the people saying this will level the playing field and improve your chance of a lb slot. How are you coming to this conclusion? All this will do is keep the lb'ers at the top, seeing as they can buy their extra ally slots rather than fall off the lb to reset. Now the people that reset loads of times for huge number of ally slots will never get near the lb because they still wasted all that time of growth resetting, meaning others are still months of growth ahead.
  16. Let me get this straight...

    After two resets, I went spy just because and ended up liking it so much I stayed spy for 14 months. I finally work up the strength to reset twice more, and five months later you destroy the entire purpose of my sacrifice?
  17. If the ally slots from resets are going away, there better dang well be compensation even if we're under 550.
  18. Exactaly panic, this is total ******** and an insult to any1 who has worked on resets 4 perm items and extra ally slots.....just another way 2 keep the big spenders happy and spending I see.
  19. Hang on a minute Wulf: because there are now lots of resetters there is suddenly the problem of an ally resetting? That was always an issue and one of the good quirks of KaW.
    If the issue was of speed-resetting then why not introduce a time limit on the process. Time limits were mentioned only the other day (in regards to the 4.5% - 60% ally-drop refund), so it would be feasible to implement.
    Why are massive ally slots a problem only now? Surely the Devs foresaw this as a potential issue? If so, why didn't they limit the number of resets to 4. If not - then they have only themselves to blame.
  20. @ wulf,

    For those of us that have reset 4 times , it is my understanding we keep our bonuses, now that being said. Do we still have the bonus without it being "equipped" per say? Or will we need to equip it like all other items?