EB & RSW Payout Maintenance

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, May 31, 2012.

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  1. Re: EB

    They're probably adjusting eb drops
  2. Re: EB

    And mith payout
  3. Re: EB

    For the EB noobs in this thread complaining about a possible lowering of EB payout, consider this...

    It's a WAR game. Suck it up or get out.
  4. Re: EB

    You, you are probably referring to alot of people here but it's not a matter of war it's a matter of funds, funds to buy DP/SDP, funds to buy mithril and attack pots and lastly funds to strip. Money you make from EB has everything to do with war if you know what you are doing.
  5. Re: EB

    So from the rumor I heard (or made up, I'm not sure) there will no longer be pay outs in gold after Eb's. You will now have a 4.5% chance of winning 5 mith. Yes 5 of them!!!

  6. Re: EB

    I actually was referring directly to other posts within this thread.
  7. Re: EB

    @blackhandsucks if that is true the BL will be used a lot more.
  8. Re: EB

    Let's just nuke it all
  9. Re: EB

    I love all the guys that immediatly cry because the first thing that cones to their mind is lowered payment. :lol:
  10. Re: EB

    Yes. "cones" to their minds....
  11. Re: EB

    I'm scared im going to have to change my build because im not going to make any money.
  12. Re: EB

    I'm guessing to stop the 'reset after quest to get gold at startup' trick
  13. Re: EB

    I'm a noob, does RSW stand for Real System War? >.>
  14. Re: EB

    I'm guessing rsw = system wars but you know what they say about assuming.
  15. Re: EB

    Lol A1 I see what you did there.
  16. It says, directly in their post, EB and SYSTEM WAR payout. Just read the first post guys/gals.
    (/.-) facepalms for you... (-.\)
  17. Re: EB

    You just facepalmed toast 
  18. Re: EB

    What time zone is PDT?
  19. Re: EB

    I don't think they will lower EB's payout much, if at all. They don't want to bring Spies opening up again for their clans. So keep your whining to a minimum till you know for sure what they will do eh?
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