Name: Aristotle Jones (Or Aristotle David XD ) Angel Name: Greece Age: Ageless. Appearance: Blonde and black hair. It's not dyed, it's natural and the colors are spread evenly throughout his head. He has light brown eyes when he is Aristotle Jones (or Aristotle David, as the Fallen Angels (Fallen Angels AREN'T DEMONS BTW) call him), but golden eyes when he is around God. He is very muscular and the feathers on his wings are brown at tips. Personality: Manipulative. Aristotle is the vigilante of the angel world. He invented the word bada–... Well, Aristotle doesn't use foul language being an Angel and all, so he says Fallen Angel or Bad Boy. He is still an Angel, though he acts as if he has fallen. Aristotle is intelligent, eager to learn the knowledge of the world. He is sometimes ruthless, but only in the most dire of situations. Demons fear Aristotle. He is occasionally insecure but these moments are rare. Aristotle is the original Bad Boy, and he loves to flaunt this. He likes being known as an infamous Angel. He loves that God favors him. Profession: Vigilante Angel, duh. He is like a cowboy, mixed with Angel, mixed with bad boy, mixed with awesomeness! Backstory: Greece, as the Lord God calls him, is one of the oldest of Angels. He is immortal, obviously lol. Towards the start of the cowboy era, he was allowed to spy on Earth. He saw the guns and other weapons cowboys used and had the weapons maker of Heaven make him rifles and guns and he now carries two nine millimeters in holsters at his waist. Aristotle has a horse made from the holy fires of Heaven which he rides all over Heaven, keeping tabs on the Angels he believes are about to fall. _______ I hope this is good...
Name: Eclipse Age: 18 Appearance: Slim, with dark hair and strange silvery eyes. Pale skinned. An average height and weight for her age. Has several small scars on her left hand and a longer one on her inner left arm. Can usually be seen in darker shades or shades of gray, and in silver flats. Makes an effort to blend in with shadows, and tries not to wear anything remotely feminine, save for a jade pendant on a gold chain and her shoes. Personality: While very skilled in the areas of both armed and hand to hand combat, and very intelligent, she doesn't like to stand out. When approached, she is usually very on guard and snappish, because she does not enjoy the company of people. She relaxes around those she trusts, but there aren't very many that she does. She is sly and cunning, and able to talk her way out of most situations and avoid any question she wants to avoid. She is deceptive and secretive, and enjoys misleading people. Not really heartless, but will do anything to survive. Profession: Holds two jobs; she is a summoner and does part-time epsionage, usually at night. Backstory: Has always been the clever little spy; when she was three she eavesdropped on conversations and sold written records of them to villagers willing to pay her price. She did so for five years, and amassed a decent sum of money. Her parents were poor, however, and sent her to live with a better off aunt, who she despised along with the rest of her aunt's village. She sold her aunt's information to the village, which resulted in the assassination of her aunt when she was eleven. She was not charged with anything, simply sent to another relative. She continued to move around for four more years. On her fifteenth birthday, her current host, her mother's cousin, caught a deadly disease. Within a day, her mother's cousin was dead. The physician advised that Eclipse burn the body to get rid of the disease, but she 'accidentally' set the entire house on fire. The only thing that survived was the cat, who now travels with her. She left before the fire spread to the rest of the town and burned it to the ground. She found a job as a summoner, to avoid suspicion, and is currently an extremely skilled assassin and thief, and skilled in epsionage. --- And here's a mini one for the cat. Because I'm bored. Name: Nightmare Age: 21, is enchanted to stay young forever. Appearance: Small, black, male cat with strange silver eyes. Personality: Likes to toy with his prey. Fiercely loyal to Eclipse, and very feisty. Sticks close to her. Profession: Eclipse's bodyguard. xD Gaah. Sorry if it's long...
Name: starion Age: 36 years combined with before and after:3 Appearance: human, well-chiseled male, tall, slightly muscular, perfect posture, golden blonde hair-little longer than shoulders, perfect skin, kind face, eyes are normal cept for the colored part (iris?>.<) which is divided (still connected, mind you) into 3 parts equally.. Top is deep purple, bottems are bright green and sky blue. the green and blue are on opposite sides on opposite sides of his body. Moving on from the eyes he usually wears a white robe, full length, with gold trim and a hood. Made of very light cloth with no insulation yet it stays warm when its cold out and vice versa. Waterproof. Personality: kind, always giving of himself, has very few negative emotions and they are always well grounded. He says what needs to be said and no more or less. Has a sense of humor but rarely makes a joke. Profession: doing right. He fight evil in whatever way he can. Sorry cant really expound on this>.> Backstory: was a regular guy until he died, at which point his memory was lost and he went to heaven but because of his numerous good deeds and that his will was always righteous, God sent him back with a few 'gifts'. Assigned with a mission, he will do all he can to uphold truth, justice, and all the like. Things that i didnt know the right section: He can fly(though usually walks) and when he does he likes to be a few feet off the ground, while maintaining his straight posture.(he uually only does this when he has to get over a gap or the ground is cursed or something). While in flight he is torrented with wind, fluttering his hair and clothes in every direction, though it cant really blow him off course. When he fights he casts bolts of holy lightning(purple), commands surrounding nature(green), or creates a storm(blue). When he uses one of these his eyes glass over the color that i listed next to the school up there^ and start steaming slightly the same color. He can only use one school at a time. Him fighting, although powerful, can drain him over time if he looses focus. The schools also have practical uses (ex. Nature he could heal non-leathal wounds) Aannddd done i hope my description does him justice and that he can be used:3
Accually I have a better idea this is Accually based on my Houdini immortal invincible dwarf hamster who escaped 4 times and never can back the 4th. Name: speed Age: 4 Accually very old in dwarf hamster years Backstory: the result of a spell gone wrong speed is incredibly fast and smart. He was rescued from a fire byinfernius when he was destroying a house. He can sneak into places easily and open gates or even pass on info to Infernius. He is very free spirited though and while he will always return he can be gone for weeks on end doing things. He will always help Infernius but if he thinks something's to hard he will back out.
Most of that is Accually true he was incredibly fast and smart though he couldn't communicate and he always escaped from his cage. He easily provided for himself and he survived getting kicked by my sisters guinea pig off of a 4 foot high stool and then slid into a chair and then got up with almost no injury. We were pretty sure he was like the dwarf hamster god or something.
Sam "Screw" Around 20-30 Profession - Summoner/Brilliant Scientist Appearance - a little bit thin, kinda tall, almost always wears a stark white lab coat and awesome glasses. He has a giant screw in his head for unknown reasons, but spins it occasionally when aggravated. Usually calm, calculating and quiet, extremely smart. When he's angry, he attacks with expert precision. His sense of humor, however is both stupid and dark. He can use any weapon expertly, but falls short when it comes to convincing people. He also makes his own weapons, usually throwing out an old one and replacing it every few days. He has a summoned companion, a kind of mechanical demon, roughly car-sized, that helps him with heavy work, and defends him. It's name is Ted.