IMPORTANT: Ally Reset Percentage Reset Return Rate Changing

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, May 28, 2012.

  1. wondered how long it would take for them to implement something like this. They have lost a lot of revenue over the past 6 - 12 months due to transfers, but I'm sure that'll have nothing to do with this up date, it'll be to the players best interest I'm sure 
  2. I think it is a good idea! :D The Reset thing needs a bit of a tweak but drop policy is awesome it only will hurt players doing drops! :) However resets are not going to be fair specially with ATA wiping servers after so long of no activity... Person inactive for 5months 28 days gets bought and 2 days later they get removed and then owner suffers huge cause they didn't know they were close to delete date...

    If ATA deletes an account cause of inactiveity it should automatically be 60% refund! I think EVERYONE would agree on that!

    As for resets you could make a reset lock that a player can choose to turn on. If on you can't reset! If you shut it off then you have a 15 day countdown then reset is open to you agian! This will allow people to buy allies with insurance of no reset in 15 days! haha and people with out it on will be high risk (or people that like there owners)!!

    But it is just a suggestion to fix the reset portion of the new policy! Great fix to stop transfer of money though. imo
  3. I guess everyone here drop vollies?? Lots of anger. Its really not a bad idea now that i think about it
  4. Just fix the reset part and this is a good update...otherwise this is just as bad, if not worse, than every single update since the castle update.
  5. The Problem i see is, if you bought an allie which resets without your knowledge. You will loose a lot of gold if i understood it right. 
  6. Neonnq, its already 60% (/)_-)
  7. yea i know that but when they make the changes if ATA cleaned server and you just bought an inactive allies 2 days before and they deleted it that is what only 12% back becasue they made a user leave the game... That was what i am talking about.

    If the do a user purge any "dropped" allies becasue they left the game should have be kept at the current 60% no matter how many days you have held them... That's just my suggestion though, if it makes sense.. :D
  8. Drop volley? Fine. But RESETS should stay the same.
  9. Does this effect when an ally is bought?
  10. bought from you, I mean.
  11. You will get the same income when they sell. But if they reset on you you loose.
  12. this is one of the daftest things I have heard, this will have a serious detrimental effect on many aspects of kaw. if you want to stop drop vollies then why not simply remove the ability to drop an allie for a 15 day period instead of ruining the game? and penalising people by only returning 4.5% for a reset player will only damage the newer kindoms who can only afford to buy in that range. this will cause a lot of new players to quit kaw when weeks of there hard work dissappear in seconds.

  13. U kill drop volley, kill OSW, maybe u want more epic battle warriors ... NO pls !!!
  14. Lol, everyone get ur drop volleys in before June 1st!! I've done mine =D lol
  15. The reser thing is nt wrkin again
  16. thats really dumb :mad:. they need to remove it or people will leave.
  17. Everyone send feedback to the devs and tell them to stop this idea. I doubt they care at all what we say here to even read this thread again. Everyone Send Feedback To The Devs!!!!!
  18. This new Update will kill strips in war .... A big player just needs to make a few alts volley to 100 bil or so and then if he is stripped reset on his enemy resulting in a 95% loss of gold... THIS UPDATE KILLS OSW STOP IT FROM HAPPENING
  19. This will affect those who buy resetters accidentally