The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Celeste?

    Anyway, unless you are blind, you will notice that new FTLoC.
    But then you couldn't read this post…
    But anyway, new chapter. I'll fix ALL mistakes I made in the morning.

    Please point some out on the feedback thread so I can fix them.
  2. Or are you talking about Karl, Feather?
  3. ._. No. No, I'm pretty sure I'm not a guy. And while I do change my name a lot, WHY DOES EVERYONE THINK I'M CELESTE?! Goodness, I hate that girl...
  4. Another account?
  5. Celeste os irrelevant. I needed Karl for the next part of the story I'm writing.
  6. Oh. I'm still pretty sure I'm not male. Or named Karl. :|
  7. I'm not talking about you either. :roll:
  8. ._. I foresee great abuse of the eyeroll.
  9. Me! :3

    Okay, now I'll go search for the user 'Me'.
  10. Ive had enough of secret's "books"
  11. featherduster go crawl back into your box already. you've already used up your monthly allotment of posts noob
  12. Lol featherduster -_-
  13. Oh boy.
    Lemme get my slowpoke costume on real quick.

    "Hey guys, Feather's back!"
  14. Ordo, garbo has been making harassing me for a long time now. I've grown numb.
  15. Garbo? 0.o and i wasnt meaning any offense feather i just hadnt heard you bren called thay before>_>
  16. Garbo is garbage. And the underscore is too much work so replace it with gar ;)