Sporavek's Revenge

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Kezzer, May 20, 2012.

  1. Phase 1:
    Use item "Chalice Of Life" - 0
    Then Attack/Assassinate, Spovarek The Sylvan - 80%

    Phase 2:
    Use item "Seal Of Deflection" - 0
    Then Attack/Assassinate "Infected Guards" - 0
    Then Attack/Assassinate Spovarek The Sylvan to 60%

    Phase 3:
    Piercing Barbs ( 500,000 )- You need Mithril Spell "Battle Fury" ( costs 1 mith ) Attack - 0
    Spiked Tendrils ( 360,000 ) You need Mithril Spell "Fog Of War" ( costs 1 mith ) Assassinate - 0
    Then Attack/Assassinate Spovarek The Sylvan to 25%

    Phase 4:
    Metallic Roots ( 250,000 ) Attack/Assassinate ( can be hit by all) - 0
    Steel Talons ( 60,000 ) Attack/Assassinate ( can only be hit by those with the "Abyssal Blade") - 0 Regens 600 / 5 mins

    ** Note ** if you have the sword you can hit both of these bars at the same time

    Sporavek's Gullet (25,000) Attack/Assassinate ( can only be hit by those with the "Torrent Talisman") - 0
    Regens 600 / 5 mins
    Then Attack/Assassinate Spovarek The Sylvan to 0%

    ** Note ** The bars in phase 4 regen although I'm unsure of the timings for now

    Equipment Drops :
    Hands "Iron Gauntlet" 2,000,000 Attack and 1,200,000 Spy Attack
    Boots "Pinioned Boots" 3% Attack, 5% Defence and 2% Spy Defence ** Courtesy of robimcooper**
  2. Wonderful choice of color! :D
  3. Funny colour to use lol
  4. yes its a slightly peachy colour but its clear to see on the background :p
  5. Couldn't read a single bit of yellow.
  6. iv changed the colours :D is it easier to read on i device now ?
  7. A lot easier.
  8. thankyou to all that have contributed to this :D
  9. is that all you get? not really worth the effort. :|
  10. yes there are many uncompleted guides and this is the clearest available at the moment :p
  11. Do you know that my KAW friend made up the infection
  12. 
  13. ty for all the input :D :p :p :p
  14. Best one so far GJ