The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I'd like to know the same thing. xP
  2. That's always a good thing Stora! I really hate it when I can't get my wifi to work.
  3. Hey I'm writing a book about an assassin named Olaf. U can c a bio in the characters thread
  4. No idea what GCSE stands for but they are test that everyone in the UK takes when they are 14-16.

    However if you already speak fluently in a language (e.g French, Spanish) you take them early (e.g 12 or 13)

    And Panda, I'm expected A* in all 11 of my GCSEs.

    I only need one more person! :)
  5. I've got A* in 9 of my GCSE's. Just another 8 to go scary >.<
  6. GCSE's are tests taken by British students. Normally when at Year 11 in schools.

    Some of the students take GCSE's earlier than others in key subjects. For example, Science, Maths and English. I have these GCSE's already.

    But yeah... Just informing, I dislike sounding like a pompous, obnoxious, bigheaded rear-end pleasure stick
  7. GSCE... Sounds interesting. What are the subjects you have to take them in?
  8. Does it stand for anything in particular?
  9. Sounds a bit scary, I guess it's something like the Literacy test we have in Canada. If we don't pass that test we can't graduate high school. Except people only fail it if you can't read, write and interpret English or you don't finish on time. Is it sorts like that?
  10. I'm taking... 2 college courses in Sophomore year of High school.

  11. Cheese: That bad or good?
  12. The tests you take depend on the subjects you pick and the type of course.

    IT courses are mostly coursework based, no exam for example.
    Where as you might take a college course during secondary and get 7 GCSE's for the effort. etc.

    But Maths, Science and English are certain GCSE tests. Other than that it varys :D :cool:
  13. The General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) is an academic qualification awarded in a specified subject, generally taken in a number of subjects by students aged 14–16 in secondary education in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is equivalent to a Level 2.

    Taken from Wikipedia.

    The GCSEs I'm taking are English, Maths, Add Maths, Three Sciences, Drama, Photography, French, Spanish, Latin, Core Sports, and Ancient History.
    So 13, too long since I counted.
    Thought it was 11 >.<

    I'm also doing D of E.
    So, KaW time will be shrinking a lot.
  14. English x2, Maths, extended Maths x2 and A level Math, OCR national award (ICT), Graphics, Creative and Media level 2, DoE (Greatest trip ever xDD) Citizenship, Religious studies :roll:

    Such a bore :lol:
  15. Can we move on from school? lol I like to come on KaW to escape that hell :lol:
  16. Well,
    I got my Terraria working again. :D
  17. Ehh i like minecraft better
  18. Taking college courses in the second year of High school? That's great!

    Elementary School
    Middle School
    High school

    The more college courses I take in high school, the less I'll have to take in College. This means that

    A) I'll have about half a year of college already paid off (you earn credits, which you NEED to pay for classes, they're expensive as hell).

    B) I have more time to do whatever the hell I want in college

    C) It's comparable to having a discount on a house, before you even buy it (kinda)
  19. @Chessemuffin
    Lol to the parkour thing
  20. I was talking about the effort part. I have a friend who absolutely hates effort. Lol.