The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. I'll be the entertainment
  2. Four weeks til I get out of school. o.0
  3. That's be pretty awesome cheese! And I get out of school in 2 days :p
  4. :I

    My birthday's in about 4 weeks, one week before school ends and I go to MIT.

    For a programming camp xD

    Then I spend a week at home after a month and a half, and then we go to Maine for a month.
  5. Blah... I applied for a SISTER program, but I don't think I got accepted. Of course. But I was being lazy when I did my application, so... *Sadface*
  6. Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

    Officially the world's best technical college (technology and science), considered by some the best of the Ivy League.

    I hope to get in it one day, but it's MIT, so... Slim chances if I don't get my ass in gear starting Sophomore year of high school.
  7. Have fun with that. What are you planning to do later in life?
  8. My friend had a cool MIT shirt. I can't remember what was on it for T though.
  9. Almost in 8th grade, sooner or later I'll be done with 12th, then I'll need to decide wether or not to go to collage. As to which one, I'm not sure. If I try to get into one of the ivy league schools then I'll have to try hard.
  10. Wow cheese good luck 
  11. Spot, I plan to

    A) Find a companion (don't have a girlfriend ATM, definitely don't need one)

    B) Move somewhere where Parkour is openly available and just do it

    C) Go into programming/video game design
  12. As for the MIT thing....
    Even if I do stay in all Honors classes (trust me, it sounds smart, but it's a pain) through til Senior year (junior year of high school decides everything, honestly), MIT still costs a crapload, and without bringing my grades up to constant A's rather than B's/low A's, the chances lower even further.

    But I'm just a Freshman. I can only dream :3
  13. ^rootin for yeh.
  14. Jesus Christ.

    I understand NONE of this American school lingo.

  15. Sounds fun! Good luck with that :p
  16. Meanwhile we just do GCSE's...

    Im walking away with 17/18 GCSE's A* - C grades 
  17. I don't know what the GCE's are...

    And I can't tell if you said you're getting an A or a C...

    By the way, how's the progress with the Con going? There's only a month to go.
  18. MY WIFI WORKS AGAIN!!!!
    My wireless router broke down but now it's fixed!
    BTW what's a GSCE? Or whatever it's called?