Colour Wars!

Discussion in 'Wars' started by *Joeeeeeeeeeee (01), May 15, 2012.

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  1. Colour Wars!

    This is the official thread for the colour wars, Epicness13 asked me to make this as the other one was getting too long! :D
    So far, the teams are -
    Team Gold!
    Team Green!
    Team Orange!
    Team Blue!

    First Round - 9th June
    Final - 16th June.

    Could all 4 team captains, please post their rosters so far!
    We are having a maximum of 75 members in each team so get recruiting!

    Rules are -
    :arrow: No Stripping!
    :arrow: No Outside Hits!
    :arrow: It's all for fun let's not forget that!
    Oh and you're right when you say we can't stop you from getting friends to hit from the outside or stripping. But we would prefer you not to, however if you feel the need to then as I said, we can't stop you!

    To Join in, just simply post on this thread - Team _____!

    Team Leaders;
    Orange; llIlllI__Crunch_lIllIII
    Green; -IIIIBANG-OliverkIIII-
    Gold; Epicness13
    Blue; Babyguy

    Good luck and have fun!
  2. No matter how hard you try, outside hits cannot be controlled. Sorry, but i would take that off.
  3. Miss B! Join us  Team Blue
  4. I wanna join TEAM BLUE
  5. Whose the leader of team green?
  6. No, i feel the need to randomly pop up in your news during the war and spread panic as you think youre leaking ;)

    I will see. Blue is out though.
  7. Post my wall ty
  8. Lol op next time write the team leaders
  9. Pretty much as pointless as Heart Wars....
  10. Your pointless
  11. They're now in the OP, thanks ;)
  12. The Heart Wars failed and so will this.
    GreenxStar please correct your spelling.

    You yourself are pointless. Unless you had a main which you may if you are truly AAH then you wouldnt last in Colour Wars. I may just take the liberty of stripping you myself during the war
  13. there is no team gold OP.
  14. Yes there is, Gold Team use to be called Red Team but Epicness13 changed it.
  15. Team Green[
  16. Go team blue  yay I'm in
  17. no team gold merged with green ask epicness
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