The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Well if it makes u feel better, im doing homework assigned monday tonight in an hour.

    Procrastination Laziness = Last Minute Stress
  2. I really want to bring FanFiction back to it's former glory
  3. ^were u even here!
    I dont think I was even here yet
  4. Formwr glory was stories of epic quality bursting open with sick titles and original plots. Iwrite co. helped almost all the writers and we had a blast writing.... Well now its not like tht
  5. Waffle, I started on this game in 2010 going into 2011. This game was made in 2009. I know what Fan Fiction was like, so I have the right to say it. I want Fan Fiction back to its former glory. And I'm trying to do that with my story, Low Tide
  6. Dang so many new people have I been ignoring ff that much?
  7. Idk, I've been ignoring KaW for the past 3 or so months.
  8. I found I'm now addicted to two things…

    Raisins and Marshmallow fluff…
  9. Marshmallow fluff is awesome. Not so sure about raisins…
  10. Lol I'f I wasnt on a swim team I'd probably be obese from eating marshmallow fluff
  11. We would probably all be obese if we ate all the fluff we wanted...
  12. It's depressingly hard for me to get marshmallow fluff; I'm in England.

  13. Paradox.... Only one solution. Move to america
  14. For a second, I read that as if Paradox wasn't a (user)name. Then I facepalmed at my density.
  15. I guess I could go to Bronycon every year then.
  16. Bronycon...

    You know, I really don't understand the term pegasister. Why can't girls just be called bronies too...? Most of the time, they just refer to themselves as bronies.
  17. You could always fluff the marshmallows yourself :D

    Not really