The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. @waffle,

    U are now awesome. I love classic rock
  2. ^so full of win -_-
  3. May the fourth be with you.
  4. Lest the Fifth come to destroy us.
  5. -Enigma-, I'm in the writer's block too...
  6. Memo to self:
    Never let your friend get the power to force you into doing the full amnesia experience.

  7. o.ô Err... That's interesting, Paradox.
  8. Amnesia doesn't have **** on the get FEAR. THAT was scary.
  9. FEAR, Bioshock, Doom..
  10. Amnesia is scary if u get into it. Turn all ur lights off and sit there knowing u cant do a thing to stop those monster... Not one thing... All you can do is hide or die...
  11. Bio shock wasn't really scary.

    Dead Space was WAY too predictable. Nothing but jump scares.

    System Shock 2. I didn't even beat the second level. Screw that.
  12. Marodo, if the AI of the monsters was a little better, it would be scary. It's not scary if the threat to your life is dumber than a sack of bricks.

    If they were programmed to do a search of the room, trying to find ways to get to you, rather than just standing there and throwing things like a deranged steroid-using retard, THAT would be scary.
  13. Cheese, but if u rlly put urself in the charcter's eyes it can get scary. And yea their AI couldve been a lot better. But they dont have brains, daniel practically raped them.
  14. Heavy rain messed with my head
  15. I would get FEAR Cheese…

    Except I'm terrified of visual fear.
    Scary films, games, pictures etc.

    I'm fine with scary books but when you get to TV, films, games…
    I'm out of there :3
  16. I dont like scary movies. The scary games scare me
  17. Sigh...I don't know what to do anymore...I think I need to get used to doing things at the last minute...
  18. That doesn't make any sense...