A Request to Wulf to Remove the EB Thread

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by The_Philosopher, Apr 26, 2012.

  1. Heheheh while you have a point it's countered by the fact that you dont have to read it to play it game. It's called free will so everyone's happy
  2. U could have just posted this on wulfs eb thread. U didn't have to create a whole new thread
  3. Wulf left out the secret info my clan uses to triple our eb profits.

    I think he used a few colors in inappropriate places too, so it's not perfect.

    I dig on what you're saying philosopher, but the cat's out of the bag now, and your point is moot.
  4. It's not a good compression!! U say all those things happen and u can't do anything about it to get the clue told to u. This is a forum were u need to go to yourself than go to the right treath and read in to it so.

    Simple if u don't want to know don't read. In clans there is always one who knew what item it was long before wulf made this. So is it wrong to have this for smaller clans that now also can do some harder ebs?

    Or u also kick the player out your clan that did this eb before ?

    I say delete this all and go on wake up. If u can't hold yourself back to read the forum than who to blame

    I never put a movie on skip to the end see the clue and start than to watch it.

    But I do look up things like I have a car problem instead of changing every sensor till I found the broken one. I look up what sensor it is that can give the problem en replace that.
  5. @The Philosopher. Cracks me up you'd think we wouldn't cheat to speed up Epics. While there was mystery in an Epic like NQ take skill to control But it's the part of the game i dislike and nicknamed " finding Waldo"
  6. I'm clueless as to why you'd think that removing the epic battle thread would be a good idea. By now pretty much everybody who is in a clan will know them all anyways, and if you really wanted to a single world shout asking how to do an epic battle would definitely get you an answer as well, so the thread isn't the only way you could get the information.

    Plus, this is a strategy thread in a strategy section. If you don't want to read the information, you're not required to in any way, shape or form. Just because you don't want the information doesn't mean that other people don't, there's a reason why strategy guides and walkthroughs exist you know. :roll:

    Personally I like that this thread is here, I personally use it to determine whether or not my rather small clan is capable of doing certain epic battles. I don't see why this is such a big deal to you, the person a while back in the thread who compared your request to removing all of the strategy guides from gamestop is exactly right. That's preposterous, as I've said before, just because you don't want to "cheat" by reading a strategy guide doesn't mean that others don't want to or won't.

    Besides, epic battles are a huge part of the game anyways so even if Wulf didn't have this thread stickied it would probably be at the top of the list anyways, so your request literally makes zero sense.
  7. Wulfs thread is awesome but i support the idea it does take some fun out so people cant learn for themselves
  8. Wait, so let me get this straight... If you don't want to read wulf's thread, you don't have to? Is that accurate or is there some reason everyone needs to state the obvious?
  9. DAMN IT! I was going to watch the Sixth Sense. I never got a chance before now though, and you ruin it.

    (I see dead people 0_0)
  10. No. Just no.
  11. If you remove it, you will have 30 half cocked replicas within 20 minutes.

    Let's just fight each other like God intended, people....
  12. Wulf did the best thing. It wasn't an immediate post when the EBs were made. Now, anyone can ask anyone and get the items anyway. Good luck on this falling through...*sarcasm*
  13. Taking wulfs thread out would be like removing Wikipedia from the Internet u could live with it but it would suck balls
  14. Oh. Phil. You have grown!! Be still mine heart 

    Them be some sexuh allies you got there 
  15. I just want to see my name
  16. I disagree. Wulf should keep the post.
  17. In the jungle the mighty jungle... The lions sleep toniiiiiiiight...
  18. It wouldn't take long at all... If there is a spell that is emanating massive heat... A shield would be an educated option, not an elixir of rage.
  19. You just destroyed my passion to see any of the movies you just spoiled!