Lost Unicorn!

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by TotalOne, Apr 26, 2012.

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  1. Well, first things first. I lost my unicorn. I need help finding him and heres a guide on what to do when you see him galloping through the grazing plains of daisy things.

    What you'll need!

    •Hand Grenade
    •Flour (NOT FLOWER!)
    •Big fishy net
    •Unicorn food, found at any walmart
    •Giant pickle (found in clothes section)

    What to do!

    Step 1- Take the gun, and throw it away!
    Step 2- Run back over to the gun, take out your knife, and neatly place te knife next to the gun.
    Step 3- Back up 23.86 paces.
    Step 4- Throw hand grenade neatly on top of knife and gun, make sure you pulled the pin before you threw the grenade!
    Step 5- Take a fishy net and set aside for now.
    Step 6- Place 2 cups of unicorn food on the ground
    Step 7- Quickly run to walmart and buy a unicorn call!!
    Step 8- Now that you have a unicorn call, hide behind bushes near the unicorn food and call in unicorn.
    Step 9- Wait for unicorn to come in and eat the food.
    Step 10- Watch and observe as he eats the food.
    Step 12- Run out from behind the bushes while (with ninja skills), grabbing the fishy net!
    Step 13- Gently place net over unicorn and apply pressure on his pressure point, you should know where this location is, as everyone has a unicorn. But if you don't, his pressure point is his eyes. Jab them.
    Step 14- Drag the unicorn back to this adress: 101303 MysTeRy dRiVe, and drop unicorn on front porch.

    CONGRATZ! You have captured the wrong unicorn! If you had any sense, you would know that walmart doesn't sell Unicorn food! Go to the pet store and buy unicorn food, repeat steps and please get my unicorn back :cry:
  2. Erm... I'm not sure what I was suppose to get from this, as it's in fanfic.
  3. Nothing to gain, story. ;)
  4. Does fanfic not go into active topics?
  5. Fanfic was wiped off AT on iDevice.
  6. Dang... Are you allowed to post the same thread twice?
  8. Or I could get your Unicorn's 5 other, multicoloured friends and get them to sing a song.
  9. This is erm... roleplay?
  10. No. No, it isn't. Stop trying to pretend you understand things.
  11. Is there anyone on pc that can tell me if there's any size one/white text? Because I suspect there is.
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