Your dad must not be genetically related to you. Actually, he might just be a bad parent. The parenting rules state that you must not ever trust your child.
hey people. I was thinking of an idea for a story. Don't know if it's any good so I want some input. Keep in mind this is going to very rough and I don't have names and such. So the basic plot line is that there is the teenage boy (like 16/17) and he notices many strange things are happening around him. For example, he is walking across the street and a car is about to hit him. However, the car just passes right through him. He believes he is going crazy until he is contacted by a secretive group of people known as the Overseers. They are people who have the ability to bend reality around them and change it (like they can make object appear out of thin air and such). The only problem at using their powers makes them really tired. The boy will be a very powerful Overseer and he is trained to use his powers for good. Now the antagonist(s) of the story will be a company with a lot of money to throw around. Their goal is to try and harness the peer of the Overseers to use for their own purpose (for money/power the usual stuff). This company also has an Overseer at their disposal and he/she will help them for his/her own secret purposes. That's pretty much all I got up to this point. Please give me questions/comments etc on this. id really appreciate it. I feel it's an interesting idea that is also unique.