How to Get to 5m total stats in 1 Week!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by HouseInTheSouthOfFrance, Apr 12, 2012.

  1. You are a fake also! All these fakes with alts they can not reveal Lmao
  2. Wait, isn't Jupiter Zhurosoft?
  3. I think I just made koie piss himself
  4. Dino!!!!

    Since this wasn't locked yet!

    And I'll set fire to the rain!
  5. Lol hey nubcæk.

    Watched it pour! As I touched your face!
  6. nope. my pants remain dry. and xtreme, do you know what he did? did you read his clan destruction thread? you support that?
  7. Yes, as a matter of fact i do.
  8. Hahahahahaha
  9. Wow. I feel like a tool. I loved Zhuro.
  10. Not as bad as when the devs went down a thread perm banning people on the first day of GaW because banning them deletes their posts. Oh look, so-and-so made a thread with an obscene title! Ban! (next person gets banned and so on). I was a victim of that :(
  11. Some words Adele can sing that I cant