Will everyone please SHUT UP about xstals! They are switching to a better server so we (theoretically) will have better service.
Yeah but there is gonna b a half hour period in the middle of the night, when I'm sound asleep, hen I won't be able to unload. And that means that I am perfectly justified in demanding crystals in exchange.
Hope you can get your crap together once and for all getting tired of all those problems, we pay for this game and we expect things to run much smoothly then they actually are. I don't care about those free xtalls you keep giving us, just fix it once and for all
Pssst....Lord..... This is a free game. No one pays these devs unless they WANT to. Just because people spend money on in-app purchases does not mean that they should get any greater benefit then those who don't. Yes, it would be nice to a server that never lags or crashes, but lets face it that won't happen. No one forced you to buy anything, you did it on your own. Tough ****.
I never have sever issues because I haunt updated KaW in months LOL And you would think that I would be worse, right?
PSST CHAD ... excuse me to think otherwise but I do think ppl that pay for this should have a dedicated server so that their game experience doesn't suffer. No one is obliged to pay for this game I agree but we still do, and devs are happy we do, so how hard is it to keep those ppl happy ? giving them 3 xtalls ? I don't think so .... stop wasting time with PaW or GaW ... make it right here 1rst before you make new games. I quit for 7 months only to come back to same problems as before ... maybe I should keep my $$$ and say screw this ... so is everyone else paying for this so much lagging game.
I'm surprised moose has not commented on this yet! Lol jk moose, and @A1 u said this game is gonna smother us?