Fan Fiction Improvement

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Beorn, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. it's hard to connect with fecal matter featherduster. that's all your stories are.
  2. Or maybe that is the amount of empathy you have.
  3. why would I be interested in having any sort of emotional connection or understanding of your horrible stories?
  4. Maybe because I like having something to do.
  5. that response made no sense
  6. You should be buying Easter stuff
  7. really? I'm sure feces can understand each others view points to some degree, although probably not capable of feeling empathy or any other emotion that separates the clever from the spekkal.
  8. feces can understand each other?

    so you're saying poop communicates?

    ok then
  9. Lololololol
  10. Damn this thread got derailed :/ anyways I wish ryol was still around. He's one of the few people who posted worthwhile stuff
  11. @smeagol

    would you terribly mind to grow a bit so I can farm you on occasion please?

    thank you.
  12. @d_Bo

    You're a pissy little 8 year old aren't you. Naughty Naughty Naughty don't you know you have to be nine to play KaW?
  13. this could not be impelented. the devs didnt make the forums
  14. The only idea I like hear is the rating each story because then almost every story would be a 1/10 . However FF shouldn't get anything else because they are still forums, why should FF be allowed to be free from trolls when the rest of forums aren't? If you can't take the heat don't get in the oven. So, basically these ideas are garbage and YOU MAD BRO. To suggest that lock function you must have been trolled before, good job Dbo keep up the trolling 
  15. says the guy named after a pokemon...
  16. lol his name is after a Pokemon? haha didn't know that.
  17. Lol something tells me smeagol is nine... (He may be under, but I don't want to imply he is too young for kaw )
  18. smeargol is a dude with a painbrush... he has one move.

    dont ask how i know... its quite sad...