Server Downtime: Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by admin, Apr 4, 2012.

  1. I'm getting errors already.
  2. Yay maybe xtals 
  3. Defiantly not.
  4. Down syndrome KaW!
  5. 503 error :( lol
  6. Considering your getting a weeks advanced notice I wouldn't expect any forum of compensation.
  7. Kaw malfunctioning...

    ATA You have to get your antennalopes in order!
  8. I think we will get something; We are sitting tight awaiting our game to return lol. WC is dead for the first time in a long time
  9. Yeah I doubt we will get compensation for the 10th as they warned us. Glad they're switching though.
  10. I been geting this error 40min ago
  11. I thought it was my app at first haha
  12. This is about a server provider change happening on the 10th. This has nothing to do with any issues happening right now.
  13. Does this mean that the EB time countdowns will be temporarily paused during the time of the servers being down?
  14. $5 says most people don't know how to post, so let's party!!!
  15. Kaw comes on talking **** about their current server provider, then everyone starts getting errors. Coincidence? I think not.
  16. Ok. please fi the error stuff like the error 503 when i try to post on wc or cc or allies.
  17. Grrr, hurry up. I'm building a clan and cant chat till
  18. Lol Jesus so true
  19. I was coming back in a war lol