Spragga, please have mercy! I beg you!

Discussion in 'Best Of' started by -ShadowAssassin-, Mar 30, 2011.

  1. watch out for |||||||||Spragga|||||||||!! he will beat u down
  2. Old one is spragga67...
  3. He hasn't responded...he must be dead!
  4. I saw one comment on a thread today, it's not spelled "spragga"

    It was like IiISpraggaIiI

    Not exactly like that, idk exact spelling.
  5. No spragga is/was a Noob not a N00B he was strong and he farmed a lot. He was farmed back and converted to the legendary Stable Build (24 stables lv 3)
  6. Spragga's on my wall. Claims his former name. 11 days ago.
  7. @Peasent.
    Spragga doesn't reply. He just makes you more broke than Greece.
  8. Anyone else agree best of? Not for entertainment value but to deliver onto to Spragga the glory he so truely deserves! All hail spragga ^(•.•)^
  9. @Perdobear
    He reached the limit of victories and had to reset. Pretty obvious.
  10. i own spragga so watch out
  11. Spragga owns you *****.
    Be careful how you brag, Spragga just may throw you back in the dumpsta
  12. I remember spragga when he was still around, I stopped playing this for a few months
  13. :eek:
    Teh real Spragga.
  14. SenorN65 is following me!!!! That's what I call a stalker
  15. ._. The real spragga is spragga. He got his name back... Though he's changing his build... :0
  16. :| I wanted to know about Spragga.
    ._.You remember him.
  17. Spragga's build still maintains ultimate power. It's a program made by the dev's that they use for crackdowns on noobs... Must be making him stronger..