I'm making a small twist in the Walt Disney movie The Little Mermaid. Each character has a different name and will have a small twist! Characters Left: Flounder(fish) Scuttle(seagull) King Trytant Chef Louie The Butler Sebastian Ariel's Sisters(Say which one and make a description of there name and new looks) Parts Taken: Ariel Prince Eric Ursula So just leave a short description and say there new name and which character your rewriting as.
Paloranay (rewritten one of ariel's sisters) Black hair and blue eyes Has hair bands and other things
I'm stopping with that though. Maybe OP did momentarily plagiarize, and maybe it sounds childish, but it is OP's choice to do this and why. I can tell you don't have a master's degree in trolling\Insulting Xander. Also Xander, congrats on almost being able to count to ten.
It's an alt, which she frequently claims is her brother's account. In reality, she uses it to defend herself and trash people.
The level of stupid... Look, Plagiarizer, once it's established you're an idiot, you shouldn't try to enforce the facts. It only makes you look dumber.