Re: Modern Republic *exites for a moment- Am I in the right place? No it couldn't be. Yes it is it says modern republic. Where is everyone!
Re: Modern Republic ANNOUNCEMENT We have a new online forum which is much mo bettah and does not have people from other clans in it =P. See the private address in clan chat. DO NOT share it. GO THERE!!! Sign up. You'll have to wait to be verified after you sign up.
Re: Modern Republic morning GO join our new forum see clan chat for address happy battling
Re: Modern Republic We have decided to remove Moc (aka Knight_of_the_Republic) as a target. Do not hit him anymore. Thanks. If he is overhitting any of you, let me know.
Re: Modern Republic Why dropping as a target : Moc, aka The defunct Aztec Warior leader, aka knight of The Republic ? An af kindness ? Of mercy ? Or did we get bored of him ?