how to get multiple bil minutes after resetting

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by llIIV-----VAL-3N7iN3-----VlIlI, Feb 16, 2012.

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  1. I don't know if people know this, but here is how to get a bil maybe more maybe less depending on how much you put into an eb. But say I attack the eb a decent bit and I'm going to get about 2 bil worth after the eb is done. Reset after putting as many attacks at you can in, and THEN QUICKLY GET BACK INTO THE SAME CLAN. Let an admin who is online know what you are doing so he/she let's you in immediately. And once the eb ends? Viola! Say hello to 2bil and enough for 15-20lands!
  2. Again it's crucial that after resetting you get back into the clam BEFORE the eb ends
  3. Nope don't think that would work
  4. It actually probably would work
  5. Well don't try being a smartass please, I have reset twice and it worked both times, soooooo.......
  6. When you leave your eb plunder goes.
  7. Well then explain to me how it worked twice for me.
  8. Cool tip, thanks.
  9. I'm sure if goggles thinks really really hard he could realize its possible, and because he hasn't tested it, his opinion is as valuable as a pair of his sharted underwear
  10. Maybe ur the owner of the clan
  11. I am not the owner or admin of my clan. It works
  12. K jw cause I know if u reset as owner u r still in the clan
  13. Very cool info I'll be sure to use it later thx
  14. It would be nice if someone tested this and posted their results.
  15. I'm going to throw my opinion into this.

    The developers are smart people. I'm more than certain they have tested this themselves. They don't like loopholes that give others advantages. So please stop trying to spread this absurd idea.
  16. Hey kool aid do you know about how to use mithril without a castle upgrade? No? I do.
  17. @iburn upgrade the castle then reset.
  18. I have also had a glitch that never reduced my troop count no matter how many attacks I did. That was a profitable 2 hours son. Had to stop due to nintendoitis.
  19. Lol burn, your on a roll this morning 

    On another note it probably does work.
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