Name: Aurora Valentine Age: 14 Attitude: not very funny,mature,always serious Description: Strait long golden hair, Golden eyes,a ShadowHunter Armor: Shadowhunter gear,Whip,angel blades,knife, Hobbies: drawing,reading,
Name: Silver Camille Creamer Age: 15 Attitude: Fun,Nice,and really Loyal,but she can be very serious when she needs to be Description: Wavy Golden Hair with Silver eyes Armor: Doesn't have any Hobbies: Singing,drawing,Dancing Other:She is a witch
Name: Cyressin Emeraldshine Age: 203 (but is am elf so he looks 25) Gender: male Description: He is a wood elf with long blonde hair, has gold eyes nd white skin. Is very handsome of his exotic seeming origins. Powers: he has power over energy nd thts it Weapons: Specializes in the long bow (his is made out of the spikes off the scales of his dragon) but also uses dual short blades nd magic to fight. Has a light weight ivory shield nd throwing knives as well Others: he is of royal decent nd his sister, lucretsia, was kidnapped wen she was 25. He hasn't stopped hunting her down nd is the only elvish warrior in his town able to do magic. He has a dragon named Gorthon tht has ireadesent blue scales nd red spikes sticking off. Each of his scales grants one power to a human once it's removed. Gorthon has ice breath nd a telepathic connection to Cyressin
Name: Cyressin Emeraldshine Age: 203 (but is am elf so he looks 25) Gender: male Description: He is a wood elf with long blonde hair, has gold eyes nd white skin. Is very handsome of his exotic seeming origins. Powers: he has power over energy nd thts it Weapons: Specializes in the long bow (his is made out of the spikes off the scales of his dragon) but also uses dual short blades nd magic to fight. Has a light weight ivory shield nd throwing knives as well Others: he is of royal decent nd his sister, lucretsia, was kidnapped wen she was 25. He hasn't stopped hunting her down nd is the only elvish warrior in his town able to do magic. He has a dragon named Gorthon tht has ireadesent blue scales nd red spikes sticking off. Each of his scales grants one power to a human once it's removed. Gorthon has ice breath nd a telepathic connection to Cyressin
Name: Celestia Gender: Female Description: Long black hair, Silver eyes, 5"4, Slim, Ivory Skin, Attitude: Indepenant, Careless, Cold, HeartLess Powers: Swift Movements, Mind Control, and Never Misses Her Prey History: An Elf, Was abandoned as a young girl, Everyone turns their backto her, moves village to village.
Dude i know my blades u can hace a double edged blade and can dual wield it i have a pair in my room))