
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by __iBlazeAlot__, Feb 5, 2012.

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  1. What are spells for?
  2. They can be used to give you an edge against another player in stats or losing more gold, hiding your allies, and changing your chat name color. :)
  3. EAT SLUGS! ~~~~~~~~~~~เฟ‚
  4. If you dont know how to initiate a spell - you need 25 lands and a 4 b castle upgrade to unlock the Alchemist, then you need to be active in and win system wars to earn mithril.

    Then go to the alchemist with the right amount of mithril and cash in for what you want :)
  5. Noob alert?

    by Rainbow_Unicorn
    On this date, this time
    Definetly, get in your shelters.
  6. Thanks miss behave
  7. definitely answered sufficiently.. Thank you for all of the excellent responses guys!!! /lock
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