Cos-dillybar's The Kaw Handbook

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by King_Ginger, Jan 22, 2012.

  1. Before you say I copied this you're completely right, this is cos-dillybar's thread. With him quitting I thought we might need one people can still edit. If that is a wrong assumption, mods feel free to lock this thread.

    Welcome to the Kingdoms at War Handbook. This is a guide that will explain Kingdoms at War to you and give you some pointers to help start your game up. I spent a very, very, very long time on this. Hope you enjoy!


    Table of Contents

    1. Kingdoms at War Home
    2. Communication and Slang
    3. Forums
    4. Buildings
    5. Builds
    6. Lands
    7. Building Strategies
    8. Allies/Volleying
    9. The Marketplace
    10. Clans
    11. Wars
    12. Getting Started
    13. Making Money
    14. Achievements
    15. Leaderboards
    16. Terms of Service
    17. Links

    *New in this Update:*

    - HC and HCBC Definitions added

    - Highland Land costs added

    - Building Strategies section added

    Hope you enjoy

    *Last updated the 29th of April, 2011*


    Kingdoms at War Home

    The Kingdoms at War homepage is the page that pops up when you open the Kingdoms at War App. It has lots of information and buttons on it, and I'm going to explain what each of them lead to and talk about.

    The Top Bar- The Top Bar contains a lot of information. It has the number of soldiers you have out of your max amount of soldiers, the number of spies you have out of your max amount of spies, and the amount of time until your next regeneration. It also has how much gold you have, how many Nobility Points you have, how many allies you have, and lastly, it has how many Buildings you have.

    Clan- The Clan Button is the button directly underneath your flag. Please view the Clans Section for more information.

    Battle- The Battle button is the top button to the right of your flag. Here you can search a player, attack a player, steal from a player, or view a player's profile.

    Quests- The Quests Button is the button second from the top to the right of your flag. Here you can do quests. Also, you may recieve a bonus for "mastering" a quest which is basically doing 1 quest succesfully a certain amount of times. There is also a small chance of getting a nobility point or health crystal from succesfully doing quest.

    Profile- The Profile Button is the button third from the top to the right of your flag. In your Profile, you can look at your wall, what items you have, how much you cost, your stats, and your achievements (view achievements section for more information). You can also see how many Speakers/Health Crystals you have. Finally, you can reset your account here.

    Leaders- The Leaders Button is the fourth button from the top to the right of your flag. Please view the LeaderBoard Section for more information.

    Feedback- The Feedback button is left blue button underneath your flag.

    Forums- The Forums Button is the middle blue button underneath your flag. Please view the Forums Section for more information.

    Help- The Help Button is the blue button on the right underneath your flag. Here you will get help about the Basics, Chat & Forum Behavior, Allies, Buildings, Items, Battles, Quests, Points, Clans & Wars, Terms of Service, and the Privacy Policy.

    Chat- The Chat Button is the Speech Bubble close to the bottom right corner. Click here to access World Chat, Clan Chat, or Ally Chat. View the Communication and Slang section for more information.

    Home- The Home Button is the left button on the bottom row. Clicking on home will take you back to the Kingdoms at War Homepage.

    News- The News Button is the second from the left button on the bottom row of buttons. Clicking it will take you to your news. Here you will see when someone battles you, when someone hires you or your ally, when someone adds your referral code, clan news, developers messages, and other miscellaneous news.

    Allies- The Allies Button is the middle button on the bottom row. Please view the Allies Section for more information.

    Kingdom- The Kingdom Button is the second from the right button on the bottom row. Here you can see what buildings you have, explore more land, build more buildings, upgrade your buildings, and sell your buildings.

    Marketplace- The Marketplace Button is the the right button on the bottom row. View The Marketplace section for more information.


    Communication and Slang

    There are 5 different methods of communication. They are world chat, clan chat, ally chat, wall chat, and palringo chat.

    World Chat- World chat is chat with the world. In order to access World Chat, you click on the speech bubble and you click on world. There you can say whatever you want as long as you don't violate the terms of service. Speaking on World Chat costs 1 speaker for every message. You regenerate 5 speakers every day if you are on an iPod touch or iPhone. You can also pay 1 nobility at the oracle for 1 speaker. There is a 100 character limit in World Chat. Lastly, there is a banner at the top that advertises the latest news with clans and wars.

    Clan Chat- Clan Chat is chat with your clan. In order to access Clan Chat, you click on the speech bubble and then you click on clan. There you can say whatever you want as long as you don't violate the terms of service. You must be in a clan to access Clan Chat, and chat there is free. There is a 100 character limit in Clan Chat.

    Ally Chat- Ally Chat is chat with your owner or your hired allies. In order to access Ally Chat you click on the speech bubble and then you click on Allies. There you can say whatever you want as long as you don't violate the terms of service. Chat in Ally Chat is free. There is a 100 character limit in Ally Chat.

    Wall Chat- Wall chat is chat with anyone in Kingdoms at War. Everyone in Kingdoms at War has a wall. In order to view your wall first you click on profile and then click "View Wall". There you can see what posts people have left on your wall for you. In order to post on someone elses wall, you click on battle, then search, then type in the username of the person that you want to wall. Then you click on "View/Post to Wall" click "Post to Wall" and type out whatever you want to post. Once you have finished reading a post, you can also delete it by clicking on the minus sign and you can also see how long ago the message was posted. There is a 90 character limit per wall post.

    Palringo Chat- Palringo lite is a free Application from the AppStore. Here you can talk to people privately through private messages or chat with a group. Here you can say whatever you want and you can also post pictures. There is no character limit in Palringo Chat.

    Slang- There are lots of slang words for Kingdoms at War. Here are a few of the main slang terms.

    KaW- Kingdoms at War

    LB- LeaderBoard

    WC- World Chat

    CC- Clan Chat

    AC- Ally Chat

    Pal- Palringo

    Pin- When a defender is "Too Weak"

    Sit- To keep a defender "Too Weak"

    Volley- Hiring 1 person back and forth

    Farming- To hit 1 person over 5x daily

    OSF- Open Secret Farm (5 hits a day)

    Pots- Items from The Marketplace

    LC- Land Complete (Buying all lands)

    DTW- Defender Too Weak

    PM- Private Message (Palringo Only)

    BUMP- Bring Up My Post (Forums)

    Devs- People who made Kingdoms at War

    ToS- Terms of Service

    Bypassing- Avoiding the profanity filter

    Stats- Your bonus to allies (on profile)

    Nob- Nobility Points

    Maxed- LC with all fully upgraded buildings

    Regen- To get more soldiers/spies

    Full- To have all of your soldiers/spies

    Lurking- Being in a chat but not talking

    Sub- A Subterranean Factory

    T1, T2, T3, T4- Teir 1, Teir 2, Teir 3, Tier 4

    Attk- Attack

    Def- Defense

    Scout Bomb- To scout someone a lot

    Assa- To Assassinate someone

    Keep- Owning an ally

    BL- Battle List

    Circ- Summoning Circle

    Av- War Aviary

    lvl- Level

    Plunder- The gold you earn from an attack

    Ally Plunder- The gold your allies give you

    Tax- The amount of gold taken away in war

    BTA- Bonus To Allies

    K- Thousand

    M/Mil- Million

    Bil/B- Billion

    Strip- Hire allies and farm a player

    HC- Bought all of the lands in The Highlands

    HCBC- Bought all of the lands in The Highlands with Lvl3 T4 Buildings



    In Forum Chat you can make posts, but you can also comment on other's posts. To make a post you must type a title for your post and then write about it in the box underneath. In order to post a reply you must click "post a reply" and type what you want to post there. There is no character limit and you can say whatever you want as long as you don't break the terms of service. The forums are divided into 11 sections which are: Rules of Conduct, Questions/Feedback, News, Strategy, Alliances, War, Other KaW Discussion, Fan Fiction, Off Topic, Active Topics, and About.

    Rules of Conduct- Rules of Conduct is a locked section which means that you cannot post there. There is almost no purpouse to this section of the forums.

    Questions/Feedback- Questions/Feedback is the section of the forums where you post questions or feedback to the dev's. This is a good place to learn things.

    News- News is the section of the forums where the dev's keep you up to date on what's happening. You cannot post here. This is a good place to hear what's going on.

    Strategy- Strategy is the section of the forums where you post guides or strategy. This is a very good place to learn.

    Clans and Alliances- Alliances is the section of the forums where you post clan threads or just threads about clans. This is a good place to find a clan to join.

    Wars- Wars is the section of the forums where you post about wars that are, will, or did happen. This is a good place to keep up to date on.

    Other KaW Discussion- Other Game Discussion is the section of the forums where you can talk about other Kingdoms at War related things. This is a good place to talk.

    Fan Fiction- Fan Fiction is the section of the forums where you can share your stories.

    Off Topic- Off Topic is the section of the forums where you can talk about anything but Kingdoms at War. This is a good place to escape to for a bit and have fun.

    Active Topics- Active Topics is the section of the forums that has a list of the last topics posted on from any topic other then Referral Codes. This is a good place to know what's going on.

    About- About is the section in the forums that tells you what the Kingdoms at War website is. You cannot post here.

    Stickied Threads- These threads have good information/ important news in them and stay at the top of the list for that section of the forums.

    Locked Threads- Locked threads are threads that you can't post on. These threads are most often in the News Section.


    Buildings There are a total of 12 buildings. They are the Workshop, Barracks, Stable, Forge, War Cathedral, Beastiary, Subterranean Factory, Summoning Circle, War Aviary, Guild, Defensive Tower, and the Lookout Tower.

    Stats will be listed in this 0rder:
    Level Cost
    Regeneration Rate
    Spy Attack
    Spy Defense
    Plunder Bonus

    Workshop- The T1 Attack Building. Total Cost: 1.75m

    Level 1- 25k, 42, 500, 400/200/0/0, $10,000

    Level 2- 200k, 83, 1000, 500/300/0/0, $22,000

    Level 3- 1.5m, 167, 2000, 600/400/0/0, $48,000

    Stables- The T1 Balanced Building. Total Cost: 1.75m

    Level 1- 25k, 42, 500, 300/300/0/0, $10,000

    Level 2- 200k, 83, 1000, 400/400/0/0, $22,000

    Level 3- 1.5m, 167, 2000, 500/500/0/0, $48,000

    Barracks- The T1 Defensive Building. Total Cost: 1.75m

    Level 1- 25k, 42, 500, 200/400/0/0, $10,000

    Level 2- 200k, 83, 1000, 300/500/0/0, $22,00

    Level 3- 1.5m, 167, 2000, 400/600/0/0, $48,000

    Forge- The T2 Attack Building. Total Cost: 9.75m

    Level 1- 1.75m, 42, 500, 1200/600/0/0, $30,000

    Level 2- 3m, 83, 1000, 3000/1800/0/0, $66,000

    Level 3- 5m, 167, 2000, 7200/4800/0/0, $144,000

    Beastiary- The T2 Balanced Building. Total Cost: 9.75m

    Level 1- 1.75m, 41, 525, 997/997/0/0, $30,450

    Level 2- 3m, 81, 1050, 2625/2625/0/0, $67,200

    Level 3- 5m, 161, 2100, 6720/6720/0/0, $147,000

    War Cathedral- The T2 Defensive Building. Total Cost: 9.75m

    Level 1- 1.75m, 42, 500, 750/1200/0/0, $32,000

    Level 2- 3m, 83, 1000, 2100/3000/0/0, $69,000

    Level 3- 5m, 167, 2000, 5600/7200/0/0, $152,000

    Subterranean Factory- The T3 Attack Building. Total Cost: 1.330b

    Level 1- 130m, 42, 500, 3600/1800/0/0, $101,500

    Level 2- 350m, 83, 1000, 9000/5400/0/0, $186,000

    Level 3- 850m, 167, 2000, 21600/14400/0/0, $264,000

    War Aviary- The T3 Balanced Building. Total Cost: 1.330b

    Level 1- 130m, 41, 525, 2993/2993/0/0, $103,950

    Level 2- 350m, 81, 1050, 7875/7875/0/0, $190,050

    Level 3- 850m, 161, 2100, 19740/19740/0/0, $331,800

    Summoning Circle- The T3 Defensive Building. Total Cost: 1.330b

    Level 1- 130m, 42, 500, 2150/3600/0/0, $106,500

    Level 2- 350m, 83, 1000, 6300/9000/0/0, $195,000

    Level 3- 850m, 167, 2000, 16400/21600/0/0, $340,000

    Cursed Foundry- The T4 Attack Building. Total Cost: 26.250b

    Level 1- 3.75b, 75, 900, 25920/17280/0/0, $356,400

    Level 2- 7.5b, 83, 1000, 51800/20000/0/0, $535,000

    Level 3- 15b, 100, 1200, 103560/68640/0/0, $801,600

    Circle of Elementals- The T4 Balanced Building. Total Cost: 26.250b

    Level 1- 3.75b, 75, 1000, 23680/23680/0/0, $365,000

    Level 2- 7.5b, 84, 1100, 47366/47366/0/0, $547,800

    Level 3- 15b, 100, 1300, 94744/94744/0/0, $821,600

    Titans Lair- The T4 Defensive Building. Total Cost: 26.250b

    Level 1- 3.75b, 75, 900, 19674/25920/0/0, $374,400

    Level 2- 7.5b, 83, 1000, 39340/51840/0/0, $562,000

    Level 3- 15b, 100, 1200, 78672/103680/0/0, $843,600

    Guild The T1 Spy Building. Total Cost: 977.75m

    Level 1- 25k, 42, 500, 0/0/150/150, $5,000

    Level 2- 2.5m, 125, 1500, 0/0/900/900, $33,000

    Level 3- 75m, 375, 4500, 0/0/5400/5400, $216,000

    Level 4- 900m, 750, 9000, 0/0/13500/13500, $432,000

    Stronghold of Shadow The T2 Spy Building. Total Cost: 27.72b

    Level 1- 3.96b, 834, 10000, 0/0/16200/16200, $440,000

    Level 2- 7.92b, 1000, 12000, 0/0/32400/32400, $516,000

    Level 3- 15.84b, 1167, 14000, 0/0/64960/64960, $756,000

    Defense Tower The T1 Pure Defense Building. Total Cost: 35m

    Level 1- 25k, N/A, N/A, 0/750/0/0, N/A

    Level 2- 4.75m, N/A, N/A, 0/5625/0/0, N/A

    Level 3- 30m, N/A, N/A, 0/40500/0/0, N/A

    Defensive Fortress The T2 Pure Defense Building. Total Cost: 18.6b

    Level 1- 1b, N/A, N/A, 0/44550/0/0, N/A

    Level 2- 3.1b, N/A, N/A, 0/78000/0/0, N/A

    Level 3- 14.5b, N/A, N/A, 0/124272/0/0, N/A

    Lookout Tower The T1 Pure Spy Defense Building. Total Cost: 977.525m

    Level 1- 25k, N/A, N/A, 0/0/0/225, N/A

    Level 2- 2.5m, N/A, N/A, 0/0/0/1320, N/A

    Level 3- 75m, N/A, N/A, 0/0/0/8100, N/A

    Level 4- 900m, N/A, N/A, 0/0/0/20250, N/A

    Lookout Fortress The T2 Pure Spy Defense Building. Total Cost:26.25b

    Level 1- 3.5b, N/A, N/A, 0/0/0/24300, N/A

    Level 2- 7.75b, N/A, N/A, 0/0/0/48600, N/A

    Level 3- 15b, N/A, N/A, 0/0/0/97440, N/A


    Builds There are lots of builds in Kingdoms at War. Some are angled towards spies, some to defense, some to attack, some to money, and lots of other different things. I'll try to touch up on 8 of the most common builds.

    Attack Build

    The Attack Build consists of 24 Workshops, Forges, Subterranean Factories, or Cursed Foundries. This build will just about always win it's first attack unless it is grossly under the enemy's ally stats. The only thing is you'll almost always lose when defending against an attack or a spy attack. Total cost to BC with T4: 644'803'737'000

    Balanced Build

    The Balanced Build consists of 24 Stables, Beastiaries, War Aviaries, or Circle of Elementals. This build will nearly always win in either attack or defense against a build, however it will usually lose against a spy attack. Total cost to BC with T4: 644'803'737'000

    Defensive Build

    A Defensive Build consists of 24 Barracks, War Cathedrals, Summoning Circles, or Titans Lairs. These builds will nearly always win in defense, but will rarely win in an attack. Total cost to BC with T4: 644'803'737'000

    Mixed Build

    A Mixed Build has so many variations. The most common one though is 8 spy buildings and 16 troop buildings. This build offers good spy defense and spy attack, as well as ok attack. Total cost to BC with T4: 653'563'737'000

    Pure Spy Build

    A Pure Spy Build Consists of 24 Guilds or Stronghold of Shadows. These builds will nearly always win in a spy attack, but have no attack troops. These builds are anonymous and serve well as OSFs but give out low plunder. Total Cost to BC with T4: 677'083'737'000

    Hansel/Hybrid Build

    A Hansel Build consists of 23 Guilds or Stronghold of Shadows along with 1 Troop Building. A Hybrid build is the same, except without the troop building. These builds are good for allowing a couple of hits or for spying and being "too weak" to attack. Hybrids are good for opening then putting up a troop building to keep you from getting unwanted hits. Also, Hansel builds are unable to be hit with no gold out other then by another Hansel build or a very weak player. Total Cost to BC with T4 (Hybrid): 649'363'737'000. Total Cost to BC with T4 (Hansel): 675.613'737'000

    Tower Build

    A Tower Build consists of 24 Defensive Towers or Defensive Fortresses. These builds have no troops, however, they are good for allowing free steals or scouts. These builds are very hard to win against in an attack. Total Cost to BC with T4: 458'203'737'000

    Turtle Build

    Turtle Builds have lots of different variations. A turtle build is any build with higher defense then possible with full troop buildings. This build often contains lots of towers and very few troop buildings. These builds are very rare.

    *Please note that the cost to BC counts the cost of Land Completing.*


    Lands Lands are the most important things in the game. Generally, the more of these you have, the stronger you are. The following are the land costs.

    Lowland Costs

    First Land- Free- Comes with a Castle. Castle cannot be sold or upgraded. (Part of tutorial)

    Second Land- 1k- Must build a workshop, barracks, or stables. (Part of Tutorial)

    Third Land- 1k- Must build a Guild. (Part of Tutorial)

    Fourth Land- 5k

    Fifth Land- 30k

    Sixth Land- 150k

    Seventh Land- 300k

    Eighth Land- 750k

    Ninth Land- 1.5m

    Tenth Land- 2.5m

    Eleventh Land- 3.5m

    Twelfth Land- 5m

    Thirteenth Land- 10m

    Fourteenth Land- 20m

    Fifteenth Land- 60m

    Sixteenth Land- 100m

    Seventeenth Land- 200m

    Eighteenth Land- 300m

    Nineteenth Land- 600m

    Twentieth Land- 900m

    Twenty-First Land- 1.2b

    Twenty-Second Land- 1.5b

    Twenty-Third Land- 1.8b

    Twenty-Fourth Land- 2.1b

    Twenty-Fifth Land- 3b

    Total Lowland Cost- 11803737000 (2k is from tutorials)

    Highland Costs

    First Land- 3 bil

    Second Land- 3.5 bil

    Third Land- 4 bil

    Fourth Land- 4.5 bil

    Fifth Land- 9 bil

    Sixth Land- 11 bil

    Seventh Land- 13 bil

    Eighth Land- 15 bil

    Ninth Land- 17 bil

    Tenth Land- 20 bil

    Eleventh Land- 25 bil

    Twelfth Land- 30 bil

    Thirteenth Land- 40 bil

    Fourteenth Land- 70 bil

    Fifteenth Land- 80 bil

    Sixteenth Land- 90 bil

    Seventeenth Land- 110 bil

    Eighteenth Land- 115 bil

    Nineteenth Land- 120 bil

    Twentieth Land- 140 bil

    Twenty-First Land- 160 bil

    Twenty-Second Land- 170 bil

    Twenty-Third Land- 210 bil

    Twenty-Fourth Land- 250 bil

    Twenty-Fifth Land- 300 bil

    Total Highland Cost: 2'010'000'000'000

    Total Land Costs: 2'021'803'737'000 (2k is from tutorials)


    Building Strategies

    There are many different strategies for building and exploring lands. I will go over what is the easiest method if you have a good source of income.

    So when you join the game you should build a guild and either a workshop, barracks, or stable. I don't really have any control over what you pick here because you probably aren't reading this before you play the game. If you are reading this before you play the game I'd recommend building a workshop on that land though.

    After you have completed the tutorial you should build workshops until you have 11 lands. Once you have 11 lands you should build forges on all of your lands. You should upgrade all of your forges to level 3 before exploring more lands.

    Continue building forges until you have Lowland Land Completed. Congratulations! You now have an option. If you have a very large steady source of income, you can start converting your forges to Tier 4 buildings of your choice. If your income isnt quite so large, then I would recommend building Tier 3 buildings. If you plan on going OSF, I would recommend going hansel now.

    If you build T4's, I recommend keeping them at level 1. Explore lands and build T4 level 1's on them for your first 5 lands. Then you should upgrade all of them to level 2. If you had T3's, now is the time to convert them to T4's.

    Continue exploring lands and building T4 level 2's until your tenth land. Then upgrade all of your T4's to level 3. From here on you just explore land and build T4 level 3's on them.

    There you have it. The most simple way to make your way to HCBC.



    Volleying Allies Volleying allies is one of the best ways of making money. In order to volley an ally, you need 3 or more people. 1 person to be bought and 2 or more people who hire. How it works is player A buys player B and then player C buys player B then player A buys player B back then player C buys player B back. This continues until player B is at a certain price point.

    Every time you hire an ally, the price of that ally goes up by 5% As such, whenever you hire an ally an it gets hired away, you get 1.5% more gold then before. So as an example, you buy an ally that costs 100 gold. After you hire that ally, it costs 105 gold. The price continues to go up by 5% every time it is hired.

    As such, you can make lots of gold from hiring/volleying allies. Please note that it can take up to 2 seconds until you can re-hire an ally.

    Dropping Allies Dropping allies is a good way to protect yourself from being stripped or to get rid of bad or inactive allies. The only downside to this is that you only get 60% of the allies hire price back.

    General Uses/Benefits of Allies

    Uses of Allies- People use allies for a lot of things. You can use them for banking your money, volleying, getting stronger, and getting higher plunder!

    Benefits of Allies- Benefits of having allies are more money from attacks, a place to bank your money, and to increase your stats! The better allies you have, the better you are!

    Max Plunder Having Max Plunder is key to progressing in Kingdoms at War. In order to get it, you must have lots and lots of gold in allies. Plunder is the bonus from your allies. You can tell when you have max plunder when you attack an enemy, buy an ally, attack the same enemy, and your "bonus from allies" doesn't go up. Here is a picture of an attack.


    The Marketplace

    At the Marketplace you can buy Attack Potions, Defense Potions, Spy Attack Potions, Spy Defense Potions, and Speakers. You also have access to The Oracle here. POTIONS ARE NOT PERMANENT.

    Attack Potions- To use an Attack Potion, you buy Attack Potions, attack someone, and click on which ones you want to use when the screen comes up. You can use 1 of every Attack Potion per attack (If you own one of every Attack Potion). When you sell an Attack Potion, you get 75% of the cost back.

    Defense Potions- Defense Potions are automatically used whenever you are attacked. You will use up to one of every Defense Potion, depending on the attacker's strength. When you sell an Defense Potion, you get 75% of the cost back.

    Spy Attack Potions- To use a Spy Attack Potion, you buy Spy Attack Potions, steal or assassinate someone, and click on which ones you want to use when the screen comes up. You can use 1 of every Spy Attack Potion per attack (If you own one of every Spy Attack Potion). When you sell a Spy Attack Potion, you get 75% of the cost back.

    Spy Defense Potions- Spy Defense Potions are automatically used whenever you are stole from or assassinated. You will use up to one of every Spy Defense Potion, depending on the spier's strength. When you sell a Spy Defense Potion, you get 75% of the cost back.

    Speakers- To get speakers, you can either buy a pro pack or buy a speaker. Buying one speaker costs 1 nobility point. iPod Touch/ iPhone/iPad users automatically get 5 speakers daily to a maximum of 25.

    The Oracle In The Oracle, you pay for everything with health crystals, nobility points, or real money. You can also see how many Nobility Points and Health Crysyals you have at the top.

    Nobility Points- In order to get Nobility Points, you can enter or have someone enter your referral code. This gets you 1 Nobility Point. You can also get Nobility Points from quests, buy a Pro Pack, or buy Nobility Points seperately. The cost of 50 Nobility Points is $4.99, the cost of 100 Nobility Points is $9.99, the cost of 200 Nobility Points is $19.99, and the cost of 750 Nobility Points is $74.99.

    Health Crystals- In order to get Health Crystals you can enter or have someone enter your referral code. You get 1 Health Crystal for this. You can also get Health Crystals from questing, and you can just buy Health Crystals seperately. The cost of 1 Health Crystal is $0.99, the cost of 6 Health Crystals is $4.99, and the cost of 13 Health Crystals is $9.99.

    Regeneration- 1 Regeneration costs 10 nobility points or 1 Health Crystal. This instantly gives you full soldiers and spies.

    Gold- For 15 Nobility Points you get free gold. The amount of gold you get is 7% of your next land cost. If you have gotten all of the lands, you get $210,000,000.

    New Username- For 20 Nobility Points you can change your username. There is a 30 character limit and you can make your name whatever you want it to be as long as there is no foul language involved.

    Pro Packs- The Pro Packs all give you permanent items and Nobility Points and Speakers. They are all in-app purchases. They are The Hero Pack, Shadow Pack, Chaos Pack, Mercenary Pack, Sabotage Pack, Guardian Pack, and the Seige Pack.

    Hero Pack- The Hero Pack costs $9.99 and when purchased gives you a Generals Helmet. The Generals Helmet gives you a 10% bonus to Attack and Defense. You also recieve 50 Speakers and 60 Nobility Points.

    Shadow Pack- The Shadow Pack costs $9.99 and when purchased gives you a Fiery Amulet. The Fiery Amulet gives you a 10% bonus to Spy Attack and Spy Defense. You also recieve 50 Speakers and 60 Nobility Points.

    Chaos Pack- The Chaos Pack costs $49.99 and when purchased gives you a Scimitar. The Scimitar gives you a 10% bonus to Attack and Defense and Spy Attack and Spy Defense. You also recieve 100 Speakers and 500 Nobility Points.

    Mercenary Pack- The Mercenary Pack costs $1.99 and when purchased gives you a Mystical Skull. The Mystical Skull gives you a 5% bonus to Spy Defense. You also recieve 10 Speakers and 10 Nobility Points.

    Sabotage Pack- The Sabotage Pack costs $1.99 and when purchased gives you a Black Gem. The Black Gem gives you a 5% bonus to Spy Attack. You also recieve 10 Speakers and 10 Nobility Points.

    Guardian Pack-The Guardian Pack costs $1.99 and when purchased gives you a Guardians Helmet. The Guardians Helmet gives you a 5% bonus to Defense. You also recieve 10 Speakers and 10 Nobility Points.

    Seige Pack- The Seige Pack costs $1.99 and when purchased gives you a Dwarven Axe. The Dwarven Axe gives you a 5% bonus to Attack. You also recieve 10 Speakers and 10 Nobility Points.



    Clans are possibly the most important things in Kingdoms at War. I'm not going to delve much into clans, but they are very important to Kingdoms at War.

    Running a Clan- There are a few mechanics to running a clan. They are only available to admins/owners. Some are only available to owners.

    Joining a Clan- In order to join a clan, you must click clan then search then search the name of the clan you want to join, then click join. You then must wait for an owner/admin to accept/reject your request to join.

    Creating a Clan- To do this you must be on a PC. Creating a clan costs 100 Nobility Points or 25billion gold. Anyone can do this, and will recieve ownership of the clan that you have created. *Make sure you are ready to run a clan. It takes lots of generosity and dedication to do this

    Accepting/Rejecting Applicants-To Accept/Reject Applicants Get onto your clan page, click on applicants, then accept or reject the applicants. Owners or Admins can do this.

    Editing Clan Page- You must be on a PC to do this. Get onto your clan page and simply click "edit clan description" and then you can type in whatever you want the description to be. Owners or Admins can do this.

    Editing Titles- You must be on a PC to do this. Get onto your clan page and simply scroll down to the member whose title you want to change, click manage, and then type in the title you want. Owners or Admins can do this, however only Owners can change Admin's titles.

    Making Admins- You must be on PC to do this. Get onto your clan page and simply scroll down to the person you want, click manage, and click set to admin. Only Owners can do this.

    Transferring Ownership- You must be on PC to do this. Get onto your clan page and scroll down to the person you want. Then click manage and finally, click set to owner. Only Owners can do this, and once done, they lose their ownership.

    Clan Announcement- In order to change your clan announcement, click on it and then type in whatever you want. There is a 90 character limit here. Owners or Admins can do this.

    Wars- Please view the Wars section for more information. **If you have low PC access, download the cloud browse app and you can manage your clan from there.



    Wars are an important part of Kingdoms at War. Without them how would we settle disputes ? In order to be in a war, you must be in a clan that is warring.

    Starting a War- To start a war you first must be an owner/admin of a clan. You must then challenge another clan. The challenged clan has 12 hours to accept the war or else the challenge is discarded. To accept the war, you must be an owner/admin of a challenged clan. It takes 3 votes for a war to be accepted (or less, depending on how many admins you have). It takes one vote to reject a war. You have 24 hours from when the war is challenged until the war starts.

    During a War- During a war the objective is to make as much plunder as you can. Also, whenever you attack someone or steal from someone in a war a certain percentage of how much you take is deducted as "war tax" and goes towards your clan's plunder. A picture of war tax is coming up.

    To view how much your clan has made click on clan and then view war and it will show the amount of plunder your clan has raised, a link to your clan's war roster, how many succesful attacks, steals, assassinations, and scouts your clan has done, and how long is left in the war. It will also show the same for the other clan.

    After a War- After a war you can view how much plunder you and your clanmates raised individually. To do this you click clan, war history, details, player stats, and boom. Plunder raised by individuals. Also, a certain amount of gold is released to each player on the winning team. This is taken from the war tax and the more plunder you raise, the more you're rewarded.


    Getting Started

    Now, I'm going to try and walk you through the beginning phases of Kingdoms at War.

    To start off, do the quest "Excavate" until it is mastered. After that, do the quest "The Hunt for Treasure" until you are out of troops.

    After you are out of troops, select a target from the battle list that has a "good reward" and steal from them 5 times. Then find another that has a "good reward" and steal from them 5 times. Continue this until you are you of spies.

    When you are out of spies, sell your guild and build a workshop on the land. Also, buy as many lands as you can at this time and build workshops, stables , or barracks on the lands.

    After you have done this, wait until your troops regenerate to 400 at least.

    When you are finished regenerating, look for a player that has 400 attack and 200 defense. Attack this person 5 times. Regenerate to 400 troops again.

    While you are waiting to regenerate, find a different 400 attack and 200 defense player to attack. When you are at 400 troops again, attack this person 5 times.

    Repeat the above step continuosly.

    As soon as you have enough gold to buy land, buy land. Build a workshop, barrack, or stable on it. Continue this until you have 9 lands. If you ever have to step out for real life, do the quest "The Hunt for Treasure" until you have 250 troops and then do the quest "Excavate" until you have no troops left.

    Once you have 9 lands you should start upgrading your buildings. Attack people or do quests for money and you should be fine! It would also be wise to get a spy building on your tenth land!

    Also, a good idea is to enter a referral code. You can find one in the referral code forums (see forums section for more information). Make sure that the person's code that you're adding offers a volley and lists peoples names that enter their code. Also, check their thread to make sure that there are no people complaining about not getting their volley.

    This guide, if followed correctly, should get you to 9 lands quickly and easily. If you want to learn more, I'd suggest looking at the "Making Money" section.


    Making Money

    The following is a list of simple and easy ways to make gold.

    Attacking- Attacking is the most obvious way of making money. If you attack someone, you get gold depending on how strong the enemy is.

    Stealing- Stealing is also an obvious way to make money. If you steal from someone, you get gold depending on how strong the enemy is.

    Being Hired/Volleyed- Being hired gets you some good money as well. Each time you're hired, you get gold. The amount of gold you get goes up every time you're hired, capping at the hire cost of 75million giving you 1million every time you're hired.

    Hiring/Volleying Allies- Hiring/Volleying Allies is one of the best ways of making money. Please view the Allies/Volleying section for more information.

    Wars- Wars have potential to make you lots of money or none. See the wars section for more information.


    Achievements Achievements are pretty fun. The more active you are and the longer you have played the more achievements you'll have. I'll try to touch up on all 14 of them.

    Conqueror- Gotten by attacking people succesfully.

    Level 1- 3 successful attacks
    Level 2- 10 successful attacks
    Level 3- 85 successful attacks
    Level 4- 600 successful attacks
    Level 5- 1300 successful attacks

    Scout- Gotten by scouting people succesfully.

    Level 1- 15 successful scouts
    Level 2- 150 successful scouts
    Level 3- 1500 successful scouts
    Level 4- 5000 successful scouts
    Level 5- 10000 successful scouts

    Thief- Gotten by stealing from people succesfully.

    Level 1- 10 successful steals
    Level 2- 20 successful steals
    Level 3- 85 successful steals
    Level 4- 300 successful steals
    Level 5- 650 successful steals

    Assassin- Gotten by assassinating people succesfully.

    Level 1- 10 successful assassinations
    Level 2- 24 successful assassinations
    Level 3- 85 successful assassinations
    Level 4- 200 successful assassinations
    Level 5- 600 successful assassinations

    Defender- Gotten by defending against attacks succesfully.

    Level 1- 1 successful defenses
    Level 2- 10 successful defenses
    Level 3- 35 successful defenses
    Level 4- 85 successful defenses
    Level 5- 900 successful defenses

    Quest Mastery- Gotten by mastering quests.

    Level 1- 5 mastered quests
    Level 2- 10 mastered quests
    Level 3- 25 mastered quests
    Level 4- 50 mastered quests
    Level 5- 69 mastered quests

    Explorer- Gotten by exploring lands.

    Level 1- 4 lands explored
    Level 2- 10 lands explored
    Level 3- 12 lands explored
    Level 4- 15 lands explored
    Level 5- 25 lands explored

    Commander- Gotten by hiring allies.

    Level 1- 5 allies owned
    Level 2- 20 allies owned
    Level 3- 50 allies owned
    Level 4- 100 allies owned
    Level 5- 250 allies owned

    Clan Leader- Gotten by creating a clan.

    Level 1- 1 Clan Created.

    Recruiter- Gotten by owning a clan with a lot of members.

    Level 1- 5 members in your clan
    Level 2- 20 members in your clan
    Level 3- 50 members in your clan
    Level 4- 80 members in your clan
    Level 5- 100 members in your clan

    Call to Arms- Gotten by referring people.

    Level 1- 1 person referred
    Level 2- 5 people referred
    Level 3- 8 people referred
    Level 4- 10 people referred
    Level 5- 20 people referred

    Loyalty- Gotten by playing for a long time.

    Level 1- 1 days played
    Level 2- 3 days played
    Level 3- 7 days played
    Level 4- 90 days played
    Level 5- 120 days played

    Connected- Gotten by using both PC and iPod.

    Level 1- Link account on PC and iPod.

    Moderator- Gotten by becoming a moderator.

    Level 1- Awarded by the developers.



    The leaderboards are full of the strongest and best members of Kingdoms at War (The most expensive ones too). There are 4 individual leaderboards (Overall, Battles, Allies, and Valuable) and 3 clan leaderboards (Strongest, Most Plunder, and Wars Won)

    Individual Leaderboards The Individual LeaderBoard is made of the best players of Kingdoms at War. The four sections here are Overall, Battles, Allies, and Valuable.

    Overall LeaderBoard- The Overall LeaderBoard is made of the strongest players of KaW. These Players have the best stats and the best allies. They are the best of the best. The positions here are determined by your overall strength, how many allies you have, and how many attacks/steals you have won.

    Battles LeaderBoard- The Battles LeaderBoard is made of the players with the most battles won. These players are all very active and strong. The positions here are determined by how many battles you have won.

    Allies Leaderboard- The Allies LeaderBoard is made of the players with the best allies. These players are likely to be on the Overall Leaderboard. The positions here are determined by how many allies you have and how strong they are.

    Valuable LeaderBoard- The Valuable LeaderBoard is made of the most expensive players. These players are all very popular and have very rich friends. The positions here are made up by your hire cost.

    Clan LeaderBoard The Clan LeaderBoard is made of the best clans in Kingdoms at War. The three sections here are Strongest, Most Plunder, and Wars Won.

    Strongest LeaderBoard- The Strongest LeaderBoard is made of the strongest clans. These clans are the best of the best. The positions here are determined by how strong the people in your clan are.

    Most Plunder LeaderBoard- The Most Plunder LeaderBoard is made by the determined clans. The positions here are determined by how much plunder you've made in all of your wars you've won.

    Wars Won LeaderBoard- The Wars Won LeaderBoard is made by the most active clans. These clans have won an extraordinary amount of wars. The positions here are determined by how many wars you have won.


    Terms of Service

    Please keep in mind that this is copied and pasted from the help section with a few minor changes.

    You may not do any of the following to Kingdoms at War:

    - Use Kingdoms at War in any manner that could damage, disable, overburden, disrupt or impair Kingdoms at War or any A Thinking Ape server, or the network(s) connected to any A Thinking Ape server, or interfere with any other party's use and enjoyment of Kingdoms at War

    - Disobey any applicable policies or regulations of networks connected to Kingdoms at War

    - Modify, adapt, translate or reverse engineer Kingdoms at Waruse any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other device to retrieve or index any portion of Kingdoms at War

    - Use any robot, spider, site search/retrieval application, or other device to play Kingdoms at Warframe Kingdoms at War or reformat them in any way

    - Create user accounts using any automated means or under false pretenses (e.g. multiple accounts for the same person)- Use any foul/coarse language



    Be sure to check out the following places as they're either made by me or guides that may help you understand this guide.

    My Other Guides:






    AwesomeSauceGuides Inc.


    Related guides:












    Also be sure to check out the help section on the Kingdoms at War Homepage!


    Thank-You for taking the time to read the Kingdoms at War Handbook. I have spent a lot of time making it, and I hope you have enjoyed and learned from it. If you liked my guide, please post a reply and let me know. If you have anything I should add, post here and I will consider it. Also, please note that this guide is modelled towards the iPhone/ iPod Touch version of Kingdoms at War, so directions may be a little bit off for PC users.
    Thanks to Corinthian, Cowlegend999, Rajang, and all of the people who made the linked guides. Also thanks to all my little helpers in Conclave of Shadows

    Again this is Cos-dillybar's thread all credit goes to him and anyone he thanked.
  2. Dillybar or GTFO
  3. Hellllll nah
  4. Why would you copy this?
  5. Or, we could just look at Dilly's thread that you completely copied and pasted. :roll:
  6. Like he said. Dilly is not around to edit it...
  7. Dillys still around our hearts
  8. I feel confident in the OP's desire to keep this thread updated.
  9. At least use some correct grammar :roll:
  10. Melissa just sticky it already!
  11. 2points for copy qnd pasting