HeroFromDaHood Farming Code

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *HeroFromDaHood (01), Jan 31, 2011.

  1. I find you really annoying
  2. Hero can u stop I will neverpost a hire me on a forum agian
  3. destroyer i would like you to
    1)unblock me
    2)Reset/make a thread about how much you love me and my **** is bigger than yours k?
    If you dont i will continue farming you
  4. lol oh...
  5. Look at the date imbecile.
  6. Lol if you look at the bottom of hero's wall you can see my surrender. Funny cause I was being stripped by wig then and Im being stripped by them now.
  7. I'm guessing he was strong 1 year ago??
  8. Me farming the **** out of Hero:
    And yes, he did reset.
    Taking advice from this guy? Not such a good idea.
  9. Im fairly certain that farming until you receive an apology in forums is considered harassment.
  10. Iburn- your wrong.

    OP- "troll at your own risk"๎’๎’

    I appreciate what your doing in theory...but at your size, your practically begging to be pinned๎’
  11. It's not harrasment
  12. I see my name o_O
  13. That SS has to be old.
  14. Is that Japan stuff recent?
  15. No, It was months ago.
  16. This was a year ago...