You only get static stat bonuses for the first 4 resets. The other resets only give ally slots ( not sure what the cap on these is)
Four resets?? Like reset after 25 low lands which makes that 100 lands?? Or.. First 25 lands then reset, and then the next 3 resets doesnt have to be 25 lands?!?
I resetted. It was great. 8% bonus helps great in real war. However my alt was used to volley money to me. I think philosopher made very good thread on resetting.
u also get 100 extra cyrstals if u reset 4 times. if u buy 100 crystals in the market that is 100 real dollars.
I reset for the 4th time last week, 8% bonus to everything does help I quess but tbh not really worth it lol