The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. *cyanide stupid autocorrect!!!!!!!!!
  2. "it's about damn time", I think to myself as Irin, an obvious "other" and owner of the café, hands me a drink.

    In the modergator compound, one only needs think of what they want and it is immediately brought forth by one of their many minions.

    "Perhaps I have been secluded too long.... Perhaps I have grown complacent." I think.

    Irin stares at me with those large brown eyes. I feel as if she is staring through my soul. I had been briefed on the elven race during my training in assassins guild, but it had been so long. Did they posses the power to read minds? I could not recall.

    And still, this strange feathered thing sits beside me, expectantly waiting for some sort of response. What could it want? And how could he see through my cloaking spell? I had paid good mithril for the fog of war- damn that alchemist and his evil ways. If only there were another way to bring his reign to an end.... Hush Belle.... You don't know that they can't hear your thoughts.

    Who is that strange nymph in the corner with her sideways glances?

    I pull out my notepad from a hidden compartment within my long leather jacket, thick enough to hide my weapons and potions. I grab my pen and begin taking notes on the characters in the café.

    Oh! To be back in the guild! Where killing was all that was required. How I miss those days, before I was drafted into the modergator league. Ah, but tis for the greater good. Despite what the kawmunity believes, I know that I am protecting the fragile balance of this world from being upturned. Onward, I say! I shall complete my quest!
  3. I say "good" take a lot of the writers rum drink it and walk up to bellemorte and slap him/her.
  4. If we're not still doing charecter night I won't look like an idiot because a mod did it too. *scratches imaginary beard*
  5. Many a fine lady has kissed a fish mongers haddock.
  6. Keegan walks back in the cafe. He pulls a gun and yells "Hands up!"
  7. Iron hulk to drunk to care laughs at the gunner
  8. Keegan points the gun at iron hulk and orders him to hand over all his money.
  9. Iron hulk spits and throws his glass at Keegan
  10. Oh my god... I missed so much... Benny isn't a mod anymore... Oh my god....
  11. Oh yeah benny......
  12. Well, guys. You won't be seeing Cheesemuffin much longer.

    I'm thinking of a name change. But cheesemuffin has kinda stuck to me... I don't know what name to pick!
  13. Pick cheesemelon
  14. That's actually kinda funny
  15. ! *screenshot* !
  17. OMG not da kitteh!!!
  18. I woke up this morning and heard a high pitched, creepy laugh behind my head. I freaked out and thought a serial killer was going to murder me. Turns out it was my cat, hiding behind my bed, watching me sleep. :S
  19. I feel like accomplished nothing...