Under the Bridge...

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Imperator, Jan 1, 2012.

  1. *comes back with dunkin donuts* :3
  2. *rebuilds old bridge*
  3. *eats doughnut*
  4. *steals all the donuts and eats them before anyone else
  5. *cuts firuzzy's stomach open, takes out the donuts, and eats them*
  6. *regenerates and turns into a llama and starts I make everyone cookies
  7. *eats everyone here and dissolves them in stomach acid before they can escape and replaces them with cookies
  8. Fatin do you like your title?
  9. *makes more donuts* :3
  10. Yes i do erica :3
  11. I remember this!
    Twas a great deal of fun when I had my anti-troll suit. :)
  12. *enslave couch*
  13. *Stares at killa.*
    *Stares at chains around ankles.*
    *Looks at killa again.*
  14. *sets up troll bait*
  15. Aren't we under a bridge? *is stuck under a broken bridge* :3
  16. Why the hell is checkers a sport?
    *gets caught in trap*
  17. So if you're all under a bridge...aren't you all trolls? o_O