Locust Swarm and Mind Scream

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Estrella, Dec 26, 2011.

  1. Haven't seen anything on here yet about this, perhaps I missed it?
    Unsure if you all realize the dramatic increase the new pots give us.

    Attack pots was 75,000,000 increase in attack bonus (all old pots used)
    Add 25,000,000 (locust swarm)
    So now we get 100,000,000 increase in attack bonus. The defense from pots is still the same at 75,000,000 ( all attack pots versus all defense pots used to just cancel each other out. Not anymore)

    Spy attack 55,340,000 (old spy attack bonus from pots)
    20,000,000 ( mind scream)

    75,340,000 ( new spy attack from pots). Spy defense is still 55,340,000 (all spy attack pots versus all spy defense pots used to cancel each other out too)

    Interesting figures.
  2. Does anyone have info for the permanent items?
  3. (These new pots are awarded when completing City of the Dead by the way)
  4. They are also rewarded from Ambush as well.. no info for the other EB's
  5. U know I wish the devs would make their own guides on their own ebs they made 
  6. That would be too easy lol. It's part of the game to learn and figure **** out
  7. Lol this isn't a guide, just pointing out the stat differences with pots now. It's quite a huge difference.
  8. Guides are a courtesy players give by sharing their knowledge and experiences, not a tool we must be given by the devs
  9. Maybe I need to explain it better.... Clans could do back to back eb's that drop the new pots and stockpile them.
    The new pots would make it a lot easier when attacking / spying another player because the stat bonus from pots is static. It doesn't drop as your troops do ( like towers and fortresses). You infact have a 36% increase in stat bonus from your spy attack pots over the spy defense pots and a 25% increase in stat bonus from attack pots over their defense pots.
    Here's an example: In off system war, pot burning would be done on a player before they were stripped. This was to give an advantage when stealing their money as they wouldn't have the static bonus from all 9 spy defense pots. With the introduction of a new spy pot ( with that 36% increase) pot burning may not even be necessary anymore.
  10. Another thought you would have to factor in is using them up in Figure of Death
  11. What new pots?
  12. Sure dwei, or, not do that eb and only do ones that reward the pots and doesn't use them
  13. Towers don't have troops and are static numbers. So your statement is in a way false. Although I do agree they need to give an eb with def n spy def pots.
  14. I was thinking the same thing meisha
  15. Right PB, I meant static stats not troops, my bad, thanks for pointing it out.
  16. No pb, I believe Meisha's statement is crystal clear. You should do a little research some time, then it's quite possible you may understand 
  17. You wouldn't want them for def and sdp, as If I were to attack then they would be wasted..
    /next new eb comes out requiring it/
    *no item*
  18. It would be too hard to keep up with