make more gold out of epics

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by LOTR__King-Kash-1st__LOTR, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. Lord_of_the_Rings

    We are currently doing back to back hauntings with a difference.
    In our clan we take take turns for every player to do both item part all alone. Hence making the most amount of gold a player can make.
    We have devised a roster on each players turn.
    This has been very successful so far as it's all based on trust.

    We are now opening our doors to others who wish to join.

    2ml combined stats minimum
    4 day commitment to make it fair for everyone.
    You must be active even when it's not your turn for item.

    If a player is not active during the item part it rolls down to next player, as with real life making play hard. If you miss your turn for items we prioritise your go hence it being as fair as possible.
    If you use items when it's not your turn you automatically get kicked.
    Below are screen shots of latest achievement.
  2. Sorry I can't put screen shots for some reason.

    I made a bonus of 13.4 billion and a total of 21billion on my turn. Check out our history for proof

    So doors are open only for 2ml stats at the moment

    Come and enjoy the next best thing to picking up a pw swag
  3. This is interesting to me because we are currently running tests to fully understand the mechanics behind the pot payout, and all preliminary results point to every pot paying you less than the previous one, less and less. So assuming our ongoing tests keep confirming this to be the case, then having one person take all the pots should in theory result in less gold being paid out for the EB on the whole.

    You should post data here regarding your total plunder for the whole EB and how much the person who got all the pots earned, as well as what the stats of their build are and how many regens they used.

    We're running tests on the pots in isolation right now, and are finding very interesting things. After several more rounds of the current testing, we'll switch to testing pots plus attacks and pots plus assassinations. But for now it's just pots. And every test has shown that the more you take, the less you earn for each one.

    I would love to see the data for your tests, if you can ensure that it's collected and described properly.
  4. tmh youre destroying all the fun of the nubthreads ...
  5. Actually you can see it in the EB history, the total plunder is way below what normal Hauntings give, generally. So you guys are, in essence, throwing a bunch of money in the toilet.
  6. Yes the plunder is less however per player who's turn it is gets much more then he would normally making it worthwhile.
  7. But it's actually not worthwhile. Over the course of several EB's, your total plunder, *everyone's* total plunder from your EB's, will end up being less than if you had just done it the normal way.

    From what tests are indicating so fat, the way to actually make more long-term profit from your EB's, and I don't expect you to listen, is to have everyone use as few items as possible and to share them across all your players. So the exact opposite of what you're doing here.
  8. So far*
  9. Great info tmh, I always learn from your posts.

    In regards to your disagreement I think you are both right. Every clan has a few item hawks (usually computer players with fast connection) who grab a large percentage of item phase. So I can see a solo item phase 1-2 times a day being better for some players. But your right a diminishing returns mechanic would cause overall payouts to decrease and actually stifle clan growth long term.

    Maybe an honor system where no one drops more than 20 pots during items would be best for everyone.
  10. Yes, 15 to 20 pots is a good range for a fairly active clan. If there are fewer members active, then more like 25 or even 30 pots can be reasonable.

    The numbers for the second stage of pots are a third of those in the first, obviously.
  11. This is a really good system aswell for people who otherwise never see a single seal because of real life commitments and how fast they are over in the majority bk2bk haunting clans.
  12. Bump. Very interesting stuff
  13. Trying to keep this post on the front page
  14. We've come quite a long way with our testing, I really need to update the post I made about it. Some new developments have come to light, and I think we have a pretty solid understanding now of what determines how much the items pay. I will try to update that post today or tomorrow. Hopefully.
  15. wow very interesting tmh
  16. ok this is in january where is the update