how to make at least one bil by stealing(;

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by xXx_Josh_xXx, Oct 30, 2011.

  1. Josh,

    You pissed me off so many times before we were lc (lowlands). Now I'm bigger than you.

    iG, -WiG-, -WiT-, and -iGNiTe- are all extremely respected clans. After Origins at SFS finishes I'd be more than happy to join them and help keep you pinned.
  2. @Josh

    It's sad that you are forced to talk crap to others to make yourself feel better.
  3. Hahah though it may not say this but -WiT- is an 18 clan, which mean no little girls sorry ;) but little girls such as you-self do use abusive sexual language when they are peeing there pants.
  4. Hopefully after what you posted, You will be banned in Forums also Josh, Maybe banned from kaw totally, Good Job Bro :)
  5. Sincerely,

    ~iVeX "Pissing Off Noobs since '11"
  6. I believe josh has been request forum ban
  7. Vex shut up. You're just another noob. And also youre all wastes of sperm. Specially you deadnAlove. I bet you're offended about sexual abuse coz your daddy was all up in your ass right? Bye bye noobs! Gtg please do strip me and pin me. Oh wait you're all too poor to strip me xD
  8. too poor to strip you of your 11bil ally?

  9. I have enough :)
  10. 11 bil is peanuts to strip lol
  11. Oh Josh, VeX is my new name, It's really me....

    ....Your old enemy....

  12. :lol: roflmao, anybody would be offended an feel disrespected when a little kid tells them that they have been sexually abused especially when it never happened. You are a nasty little kid who thinks it is funny to talk like that when it's not, it's disgusting and vulgar, I think your parents need to talk to you, you defiantly need to know were the line is.
  13. Nathan, you hire I hit?
  14. Off to work noobs goodluck wasting gold. Nathan you're not going to hire my ally cuz you're my B**** and I said not to (; bye
  15. Josh can't wait to see you banned forever
  16. "B****" meaning what?
  17. Josh I can report you. Just because you put * instead of the letters its like killing someone but you don't hide the body and leave evidence. You get caught and punished
  18. @itex thank you captain obvious!!
  19. B**** meaning you're my female lap dog Nathan :)
    Ghost you sound like a little old lady who has no life and rats on everyone. iTex lol you're the only one I know right now who's not a noob. Aha everyone here still doesnt get it. IDGAF !! (; off to work now lates!
  20. Again that is a bypass. And if far from old. And everyone seems to hate you do why do you care?