Ally Economics

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *JeffTberg (01), Oct 27, 2009.

  1. In the past week the price of allies has more than doubled. I used to pay 100x bonus. Now 200x bonus is rare and gets immediately rebought. 400x bonus is more normal. My ally bonus has been more than cut in half in a week. How much should I expect to pay for an ally? When will the madness stop?
  2. The madness will never stop. A influx of one player will cause that person to be bought right away. Resulting in the same cycle
  3. Best thing is buy them all up lol buy them all over 300/300
  4. When large ally holders reset they get rid of lots of cash and lower inflation, which is why infra is going to reset after he gets a good chunk of kaw players :p
  5. Did infra really ever say he was going to reset?
  6. Not yet, however both you and xyz did this while having a mob of allies, xyz in particular an yes, I know he was forced to reset but that's beside the point lol
  7. Lol I thought xyz chose to reset like me and hansel didn't realize he was forced to!
  8. Anyways as far as I can tell infra has no intentions of reseting willingly!
  9. This isbecause of rozo's ally dealing
  10. I have concluded my research on ally economics. Along with it I studied when you should buy/upgrade what type of building. I based my numbers on the TOTAL cost of a building(land+bldg) versus the total amount of att/def/spy points gotten in return. I assumed that spy points are twice as valuable as att/def pts. Here are my results for buildings:

    Guilds: 300k land cost or less, build L1 guilds. 10m or less, bulid L2. 20m or over, build L3

    Workshops (or equivalent): 75k land cost or less, build L1. 750k or less, build L2. 1.5m land cost consider L3 or upgrade to forge. Once land cost is over 1.5m, don't build any more workshop class bldgs.

    Forges (or equivalent): At 2.5m land cost and above, build level 3 forges. Never build a level 1 or 2 forge without immediately upgrading to L3 as fast as possible. The value of $$$ per attack point is not there for L1 or L2 forges.

    Allies: Only buy allies when their cost per att/def/2*spy cost is better than you would otherwise receive by buying a new plot of land and building on it. I have calculated the most you should pay for an ally at each land level. To calculate an ally's value, add att+def+2*spyatt+2*spydef. Take the amount an ally costs and divide by it's value to get a cost per point. For example, a 300/300/150/150 ally represents 1200 points. If that ally is for sale at 300k, it represents a cost per point of 250. The chart below has 3 numbers in each row 1) next land cost 2) max cost per point 3) value of a 300/300/150/150 ally. For example, if you next land cost is 2,500,000 you should buy allies only at a cost per point of 22 or less, or 29k for a 300/300/150/150 ally. If none are available (and they won't be at that price), you are better off saving up for you next guild or forge rather than spending on allies. Anyway, here us the final chart. Enjoy.

    5k 1 1,200
    30k 2 2,200
    75k 3 4,000
    150k 5 6,300
    300k 7 10,400
    750k 13 18k
    1.5m 17 23k
    2.5m 22 29k
    3.5m 24 33k
    5m 28 40k
    10m 40 61k
    20m 57 84k
    60m 118 146k
    100m 180 209k
    200m 333 364k
    300m 486 519k
    600m 946 986k
    900m 1,406 1.5m
    1.2b 1,866 1.9m
    1.5b 2,326 2.4m
    1.8b 2,786 2.9 m
    2.1b 3,246 3.3m
    2.13b 3,308 3.4m
  11. I will not reset, i spent money on nobility packs and would not want to waste $20.00 real life cash by reseting. Also Cor no one was forced to reset.
  12. XyZ and kaizyu
  13. Infra, you don't lose your "pro" status.
  14. jet i know that, but the gold ive made from packs i will lose
  15. You keep items and speakers AND NOBILITY
  16. But not the gold
  17. correct which is why i will not reset. Anyway i gave a feedback to the admin to reset hire value to 0 every month maybe that way allie economy will be better
  18. Yeah that would be bs to force someone to reset after they spent money on the
  19. No the people forced to reset reset because they were caught hacking the game. Some of them voluntarily reset before forced resets went out but not all voluntary resets were hackers lol
  20. Perhaps the completers need an incentive to reset. Perhaps an item granting a permanent att/def/spy bonus. Complete once and get +5% on everything, twice +10%, etc.