The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. Anyone on computer to see if he lurking?
  2. Zaln will kill you with his awesome :)
  3. Zaln won't be killing anybody if I have anything to say about it! ...Which I don't...
  4. HI ZALN although I doughy youll remember me
  5. Hi Zaln...even though there is a 0.01% chance you know me.
  6. Beriadwen is...
    Damn, what's the old name again?

    Can't believe I'm forgetting this. Sorry, Ber...
    Can't remember...
    You were the one that made "It's a Long Story"?
    No... You made another one that came out around the same time...

    Well, it's Phoenix, this is my brothers new profile, he just downloaded it, but I'll be using it sometimes for forum posts...
  7. Allioss :p and the next chapter of It's A Long Story should be up tomorrow-Wenesday :/ sorry for the laziness~
  8. Uh.... Um...

    Como se dice....

    Er... Yo no escribí la nueva pajina de mi libro.

    Soy listo.
  9. Um...

    Tu est penible.
  10. Ummm no comprenda el spanyo?
  11. Ah, that's it, Alli!
  12. Non. Je suis très intelegante.
  13. ^ Esta francáis. No Esta español.
  14. Oui. Tu est bête.
  15. Its french?>.< french has gotta be my worst language
  16. yes. You are silly/dumb.
  17. ...

    I may or may not possibly consider not writing a part of Linked.