Oh....I'm sad know. You'll come back when you get you'r idevice back, I hope. It was a pleasure knowing you, and you will be missed. Good luck in real life!
I've actually been thinking about reading those. I'll probably have to wait untill next summer though... XP
I was just wondering... If I gave you guys the description of a play I'm writing, would you consider helping me name it?
Okay, so I'm currently writing a play for school, but I have NO idea what to call it. This is where you come in. Please leave suggestions for what the play should be called I want the name to be short and dramatic. "Subtitle": What happens after "Happily Ever After"? Description: Princess Kayla's life was supposed to be perfect after she married Prince Charming, but she didn't get that perfect life. Instead, she got a boring life and an indifferent husband. All she wants is some adventure in her life and when she meets the mysterious Prince Adrian, that dream is given hope. They run away together, but Adrian is not what he seems. Apparantly, he's an evil wizard whose powers were locked away and he needs the blood of a pure princess to get them back, That means Kayla is his target. Kayla won't go without a fight though. By some clever ideas, and a well-placed kick, she manages to get away from him. Her problems are far from over, though. Adrian has taken over the kingdom and poisoned Charming! Kayla has 5 days to figure out how to defeat Adrian, and if she doesn't, Charming dies. With some help from a few friends, Kayla sets out on a quest to save Charming and defeat Adrian. Happy title-making
"Chosen"? (because she was chosen as Prince Charming's husband, AND as the evil wizard's target) "Inequality"? (it just sounds like a cool name ) "Indifference" (because her husband is all "indifferent"...) It's a hard thing to have a title... Though if you really need to you could have an iron title. (Iron Title- like "The life of a princess as she gets carried away by a wizard")