The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. You should all post signups for nitro's story.
  2. Look at these people amazing how sheep'll show up for the slaughter
    No one condemning you lined up like lemmings you led to the water
    Why can't they see what I see what I see why can't they hear the lies?
    Maybe the fee's too pricy for them to realize your disguise is slipping

    I think you're slipping

    Now that your savior is still as the grave you're beginning to fear me
    As cavemen fear thunder I still have to wonder can you really hear me?
    I bring you pain the kind you can't suffer quietly
    Fire up your brain remind you inside your rioting society is slipping

    Everything's slipping awaaay so...

    Go ahead run away
    say it was horrible
    Spread the word tell a friend
    Tell them the tale
    Get a pic! Do a blog!
    Heroes are over with
    Look at him! Not a word!
    Hammer meet nail!

    Then I win, then I get
    Everything I ever...
    All the cash! All the fame
    And social change
    Anarchy! Then I run

    It's Doctor Horrible's turn
    You people all have to learn
    This world is going to
    (It's two "R"s H-o-r-r)

    No sign of Penny good I would give anything not to have her see
    It's gonna be bloody head up Billy buddy there's no time for mercy.
    Here goes no mercyyyyy...

    -Slipping from Doctor Horrible's Sing along blog.

    I love it 
  3. Someone has no life *cough* Burning *cough*
  4. I am tired. I am going to sleep. If I do not wake up in two years, don't be alarmed. I'm not dead. I'm just tired...XD
  5. That's just a nap to me
  6. So many newbs are discovering FanFic...

  7. Yes my newb minions are flocking
  8. That's good, Cheese.

    A bigger community.

    Though we do need to contain them in cells :)
  9. My neck... Ow.

    Spending several hours on Minecraft making a restaurant and the temple of time - TOTALLY WORTH IT
  10. Anyone else like elder scrolls oblivion?
  11. @Cheese


  12. I love it, i want skryrim though
  13. Me want skryim..... But until then I'm going to murder my adoring fan then murder the dark brotherhood then the mages guild then all of cryodil!
  14. Meh, my friend has The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion. -FYI
  15. I have high hopes for skyrim I'f it's not good you might see me on the news with a headline like "crazy fan destroys company building in nerdy rage".
  16. So full of win.
  17. Oh and I agree, there are a lot of newcomers here to Fan Fic, I just don't know exactly what it will do. Hopefully its for the better, but one can only hope
  18. Some writers should construct a Writers' Academy for the noobs
  19. You have to teach them... I used to teach them... But conceited blinded me.