The Writer's Café

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Irin (01), Jul 20, 2010.

  1. But that's too complicated!!

    *absentmindedly slips rum bomb into building infrastructure*

    *proceeds to build roof*
  2. What do you mean complicated? And I saw that!
  3. I've been working on it for some time now.

    During the 1.5 years i was not playing or posting I was at work building a secret nuclear bunker under the cafe. This has been by safe haven and when cheese blows everything up, I will live.

  4. Fine, have you're fansy schmancy bunker. I'll just go throught the door that is not there.
  5. *finishes roof*

    *proceeds to put walls back in place*

    What door?
  7. *finishes walls*

    *lowers roof onto walls*

    *looks to the left*

    SON OF A -

    *runs to destroyed rum bomb factory*

    The one that's not there.

    (Basically it's a magical door that only I can go trough because it leads to my room above the cafe and I'm an elf.)
  9. Cheese...what bomb factory?

    Ok, now it makes perfect sense
  11. How do you think I made enough to blow up everything in a mile radius?

    *bangs two gears together*

    *breaks one*

  12. Excellent. I'm sure you mean it makes sense in the most non-sensical way.

    And cheese, I want you to take all that stuff 1.2 miles away. No more rum for you.
  13. I'm part elf and I can't see anything?
  14. Oh. Em. Gosh.

    Just so I don't lose y'all's attention, I apologize. My comment was inane and ignorant. Being a Christian, I'm not supposed to indulge in the fruits of evil, or affiliate myself with the workers of iniquity. So I'm not. I'm not gonna talk to Cheese anymore unless absolutely essential. I sincerely apologize to Cheesemuffin. But I stand by my opinion. Cheesecakes are the best.

    If you weren't able to comprehend, I'm saying I stand by my opinion that cheesecake is the best, not that we should stick to the status quo. Maybe I shouldn't base my lifestyle on Latin maxims and phrases.

    Here's the most exciting part of my day: I followed my normal routine when I clicked on KaW. I clicked my newsfeed, checked it, and then went to the forums. That's when I realized I was on the forums. Crazy thing is, I was never notified of being forum banned or un-forum banned.

    So I'm back... And it just so happens that I'm about to post The Sound of Blood.
  15. And away we go!

    All aboard the Chaos Train!

    *cackles madly*
  16. Oh boy, feather and cheese again in the same thread.

    *goes to bunker*
  17. Runs to matzas bunker and eats all his cake
  18. *kicks you out of bunker. Sets super high tec impenetrable super amazing security system, elf proofs it, and goes to secret cake storage.
  19. *walks in and steals cake*

    Silly Matzah with your toys.
  20. * traps cheese in a cage, takes cake, then drops him through a trapdoor that lands him in the cafe.*

    My cake