But that's too complicated!! *absentmindedly slips rum bomb into building infrastructure* *proceeds to build roof*
I've been working on it for some time now. During the 1.5 years i was not playing or posting I was at work building a secret nuclear bunker under the cafe. This has been by safe haven and when cheese blows everything up, I will live. Bwahaha?
*finishes walls* *lowers roof onto walls* *looks to the left* SON OF A - *runs to destroyed rum bomb factory*
Re: LETS MAKE SUBJECTS!!!! The one that's not there. (Basically it's a magical door that only I can go trough because it leads to my room above the cafe and I'm an elf.)
How do you think I made enough to blow up everything in a mile radius? *bangs two gears together* *breaks one* NOOOO!!!
Excellent. I'm sure you mean it makes sense in the most non-sensical way. And cheese, I want you to take all that stuff 1.2 miles away. No more rum for you.
Oh. Em. Gosh. Just so I don't lose y'all's attention, I apologize. My comment was inane and ignorant. Being a Christian, I'm not supposed to indulge in the fruits of evil, or affiliate myself with the workers of iniquity. So I'm not. I'm not gonna talk to Cheese anymore unless absolutely essential. I sincerely apologize to Cheesemuffin. But I stand by my opinion. Cheesecakes are the best. If you weren't able to comprehend, I'm saying I stand by my opinion that cheesecake is the best, not that we should stick to the status quo. Maybe I shouldn't base my lifestyle on Latin maxims and phrases. Here's the most exciting part of my day: I followed my normal routine when I clicked on KaW. I clicked my newsfeed, checked it, and then went to the forums. That's when I realized I was on the forums. Crazy thing is, I was never notified of being forum banned or un-forum banned. So I'm back... And it just so happens that I'm about to post The Sound of Blood.
*kicks you out of bunker. Sets super high tec impenetrable super amazing security system, elf proofs it, and goes to secret cake storage.
* traps cheese in a cage, takes cake, then drops him through a trapdoor that lands him in the cafe.* My cake