If you get items in on the haunting it greatly increases plunder reward for completion, like 1-2bil sort of "increase".
I go to Erram for one day. ONE DAY. And you guys decide to blow up my cafe, stab each other with scissors, turn the place into the HQ of a drug cartel, and get your faces all over the DAMN NEWS?!?!?!?!?! That's it! I'm canceling all my orders for Writer's Rum, and eating all the cheesecake by myself! Go burn down a bakery or something.
Cheese, if that is another bomb, stop. However, if you're attempting to fix this mess... Here, have some cheesecake!
You do that, then. And don't gosh me! What? There better not be explosives in that. And I'm the only one aloud to hide items in the floorboards!