
Discussion in 'Strategy' started by B3NG7, Oct 1, 2011.

  1. So you make a big, bold statement on the forums about anti-farming, get farmed and start to cry on people's walls for them to stop farming you, and then, you try to ridicule everyone on this thread, in a lame attempt to amend your mistakes with your puny clanmates. I'd downgrade just to strip you, but I'm in a RW at the moment. Good day to you, good sir.

    btw, nice 7 day achievement. You should join _super_, too, on your noob anti-farming spree.
  2. Lol colonial you must be kidding me youre a mod yourself!
  3. @Dark
    Thanks for the cash.
  4. I cryed to him 2 stop farming little ppl in my clan!!!! This is a war game but it's also ment to be fun farmers stop ppl having fun
  5. I cryed to him 2 stop farming little ppl in my clan!!!! This is a war game but it's also ment to be fun farmers stop ppl having fun
  6. FG I thought you can just silence right away
  7. I don't understand why people get so angry about losing virtual money :Roll:
  8. :roll: Fail
  9. In-game and forums are different
  10. Virtual money wich people work hard to make
  11. Lol this is fun are clan sticks together forever
  12. Oh boy, this is not a "I hit u 5 times and u hit me 5 times and we are BFFs for evaar" game. This is a "I stripfarm you because I dont like your name / your attitude / Im bored" kind of game. There were actually times where you could unload your troops on someone and they wouldnt run to their clan after the sixth hit. Man up!
  13. Farming is a rarity once you are big enough to buy all of the defence pots- it's too much of a loss to the attacker
  14. Lol u lot